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dui first offense

Getting a DUI Reduced in Lakewood

How Often Do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Lakewood, CA

how often do DUI cases get reduced lakewood

The DUI offenders charged with impaired driving have to face the severe and harsh punishments that are handed out to them in Lakewood. In such cases it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable drunk driving Lawyer.

How to Reduce DUI Charges in Lakewood, California

In Lakewood and California, driving under the influence (or DUI as it is commonly referred to) is considered a very serious offense and is punishable with strict penalties. The implications arising from a DUI have severe consequences and are often a life-altering experience for most of people as they impact ones entire life. Due to the consequences and the legal implications arising out of a DUI most people wish to get their DUI case either dismissed or reduced. The only way to get a DUI reduced is for the prosecution to amend the charge with a completely new and different charge that will have much fewer consequences than a standard DUI.

The prosecution will only agree to a lesser charge if your lawyer is able to convince the prosecution into a plea bargain. It is, therefore, necessary for you to hire the services of a top notch, reliable DUI lawyer who will pursue your case in the best manner and represent it in an extremely high-quality manner. We employ some of the best and most notable DUI lawyers in Lakewood, California and we have extensive experience in dealing with DUI cases and providing relief for our clients facing DUI charges.

How to Reduce DUI Charges in Lakewood, Different Ways...

If you are wondering about the various methods and the necessary measures you need to take in order to reduce DUI charges, then the only major thing you need to understand and do is to seek the services of a reliable and experienced DUI lawyer. A well-versed lawyer will handle the legal process of getting a DUI reduced in the best way possible. The only way a DUI charge will be reduced is if the prosecution agrees to drop charges against you and charge you with a new offense that has lesser consequences. This will be made possible if the lawyer you hire has the expertise and ability to convince the prosecution to do so by pointing out major flaws in the case.

How to Reduce DUI Charges With a Plea Bargain in Lakewood, CA

A plea bargain is considered before the prosecution attorney presents your case during a hearing. Depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding the case, your lawyer may approach the prosecution attorney for a plea deal. A plea bargain is a negotiated settlement of your case that takes place between your DUI lawyer and the prosecution attorney. The major benefit of a plea bargain is that you will know what your sentence will be prior to you pleading guilty. The prosecution attorney will agree to a plea bargain if they feel that their case is seriously flawed and it is not possible for them to proceed with the case in court. Instead of getting the case dismissed they can charge you with a lesser charge. An experienced DUI lawyer should be able to find ways on how to reduce DUI charges via a plea bargain so that it is not necessary for you to submit to the maximum penalties for your charges.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Lakewood

get DUI charges reduced lakewood

getting a DUI reduced lakewood

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offenses

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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How to Reduce DUI Charges with the Help of a Lakewood DUI Lawyer

It will be rather difficult for you to figure out how to reduce DUI charges or convince the prosecutions attorney into a plea bargain without a professional DUI lawyer by your side. A dependable and experienced DUI lawyer will not only be able to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution attorney, but will also shield you from the consequences of a DUI charge.

what can a DUI be reduced to lakewood

how to reduce DUI charges lakewood

How Often do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Lakewood and What Can a DUI be Reduced to?

In case you are wondering how often DUI cases get reduced in Lakewood, the answer is that DUI charges get reduced quite often depending on the strength and validity of the DUI defense strategies used by the DUI lawyer representing the request. Every case is unique and is totally different from the other. However, there are usually various flaws in a DUI case which an experienced lawyer can point out to the prosecution attorney who will then agree to negotiate a plea deal to reduce the charges to a less severe charge. On the other hand, a large number of people do not know the extent that a DUI can be reduced to.

A DUI can be reduced to anything with less serious consequences such as a wet reckless under the California Vehicle Code Section VC 23103 and 23103.5 that is usually the foremost level of DUI reduction that a prosecution attorney will consider. A wet reckless is defined as a reckless driving conviction with a specification that alcohol was involved in the arrest. With a careless driving charge, which is a lesser charge you will face lesser consequences and will not have a subsequent criminal record. Apart from the wet reckless charge there is dry reckless under Vehicle Code 23103 VC, exhibition of speed under Vehicle Code 23109(c) VC and consuming alcoholic beverages in a vehicle under Vehicle Code 23221 VC that can be used as a plea bargain.

Get DUI Charges Reduced With the Help of a Lakewood DUI Lawyer

Having an experienced and dedicated DUI lawyer by your side in DUI cases proves highly beneficial. Your lawyer will advocate and negotiate for a plea deal with the prosecution to get your DUI charges reduced to a lesser charge. We offer reputable Lakewood DUI lawyers in Lakewood, California who specialize in DUI offenses. Our utmost goal is to protect you from any consequences arising from of a DUI and we make sure that the best defense to get you out of any criminal charges is put forth.


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    Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

    Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

    Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offenses
    • Care And Control

    Lakewood DUI Defense Attorney

    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

    Lakewood DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Invaluable Experience

    Drunk Driving Charges

    As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

    Over 80mg DUI Charges

    Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

    Failure To provide Charges

    As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

    Superior Knowledge

    Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

    Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

    We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

    Extreme DUI Charges

    Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


    Call For Your Free Consultation.

    dui attorney fees

    Carson DUI Lawyer Cost

    Factors That Determine The Cost of a DUI Lawyer in Carson, CA

    dui lawyer cost carson

    Those accused of a DUI face severe and harsh punishments in Carson. For this reason, in such cases it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable drinking and driving lawyer.

    The Costs of Hiring a DUI Lawyer in Carson, California

    If you have been charged with a DUI offense, you probably are wondering about the costs of hiring a DUI lawyer in Carson, California. DUI lawyer cost varies from case to case. However, the long term costs of a DUI conviction outweigh the legal costs undergone while defending your case. When facing a DUI case, the first and foremost priority that you should have is to hire the best and experienced lawyer you can afford for your case. The cost of your attorney is something you can think about later because what matters most is your protection from a conviction or a criminal record.

    Notably, you need to know for sure that the implications of a criminal record that will arise in the future will be much higher than the DUI Lawyer cost. Our Carson DUI lawyers are your best bet in Carson, as we provide some of the best defense services at the most competitive and reasonable costs.

    Factors That Determine Your DUI Attorney Cost in Carson, CA

    If you are wondering what your DUI attorney cost will be, it is important for you to keep in mind that the cost of defending your case will depend on some factors. First of all, the number of days that are required at the trial contribute highly to the final cost. However, you dont need to worry, because in an impaired driving case a trial lasts only a few days. The second thing to be taken into consideration is the amount of disclosure in your case, such as the number of witnesses, expert reports, etc., as they will matter a lot. Thirdly, the amount of time your lawyer will have to devote to the case is an important factor too. Last but not the least, whether you are hiring a private investigator, a toxicologist or another expert is also a big part of cost. Apart from the above, the other factors that determine the cost include the number and complexity of motions needed to exclude evidence and whether there are any unexpected motions such as a motion to dismiss the case for unreasonable delay or a motion to obtain disclosure.

    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Carson

    dui attorney fees carson

    dui attorney cost carson

    Types Of DUI Charges:

    Impaired Driving

    Driving Under The Influence

    Over 80 m.g. DUI

    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

    Care and Control

    Multiple DUI Offenses

    Consequences Of A DUI:

    Criminal Record

    Serving a Jail Sentence

    Drivers License Suspension

    Payment of Fines

    Travel Restrictions

    Loss of Income


    Call Us for a free Consultation

    How to Maintain Certainty of Your DUI Attorney Cost in Carson, CA

    The best and the most reliable way to ensure that the defense services that your lawyer provides are the same as what you thought they would be previously is through a written retainer agreement. A retainer agreement will help define and determine the DUI attorney cost and may also set out the cost of the trial as well as any additional cost of any unexpected additional trial days. With the help of a retainer agreement, you will be able to get an exact picture of the costs that may also include the cost of hiring an expert witness or private investigator. A written retainer agreement allows you to plan ahead financially and gives you a payment schedule. With a written retainer agreement you will be safeguarded from any hidden costs.

    how much does a DUI lawyer cost carson

    cost of a DUI lawyer carson

    Can I Afford My Carson DUI Attorney Cost?

    One should never assume that affording a good DUI lawyer is not possible for them or that the costs will be too much to bear. What matters most is not what your DUI attorney cost will be, but rather what matters in the long run, which is that you are defended by a reliable lawyer who will advocate on your behalf. Discussing a payment schedule and the proper way to use your resources with your lawyer is essential. A high-quality and professional DUI lawyer will help develop a financial plan for you and will deliver a great defense. This way, you will also be able to arrange to raise funds for your defense, since the trial will last eight to ten months after the date of the charge.

    How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Carson or What Would be the DUI Attorney Fees?

    Many people facing a DUI charge have similar questions, such as how much does a DUI lawyer cost or what would be the total DUI attorney fees. In case you are seeking answers to this question, the first thing you need to know is that the legal costs of one case are different from the cost of another case. The DUI attorney fees are never fixed and are different for every case. Therefore, the cost depends on the kind of case you have, which would only be determined by your lawyer who will, after assessing the case, give you an estimated cost. Carson DUI Lawyer provides the most well-versed lawyers in Carson, California specializing in DUI cases. We will provide you with a clear picture of what costs, and you can expect with complete transparency.

    Are There any Prevailing Criterions that Define the Cost of a DUI Lawyer in Carson?

    If you are wondering if there are any fixed standards to the cost of a DUI lawyer, the answer is no. The costs vary from case to case. It will be your lawyer who will be able to explain the exact amount that you will have to spend in dealing with your case. Only a trustworthy DUI lawyer will be transparent enough when dealing with clients to clearly set out payment. We offer some of the best DUI lawyers in Carson, California and we know how to get out of a DUI charge. It’s our aim to protect the interests of our clients in a cost-effective, transparent manner.


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      Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

      Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

      How We Help our experience is your advantage
      Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

      Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
      • Impaired Driving
      • Driving Under The Influence
      • Over 80 DUI
      • Failure To Provide
      • Multiple DUI Offenses
      • Care And Control

      Carson DUI Defense Attorney

      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

      Carson DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

      We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

      Invaluable Experience

      Drunk Driving Charges

      As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

      Over 80mg DUI Charges

      Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

      Failure To provide Charges

      As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

      Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

      Superior Knowledge

      Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

      Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

      Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

      We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

      Extreme DUI Charges

      Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


      Call For Your Free Consultation.

      dui first offense

      Industry Out Of State DUI Defense

      Defending an Out of State DUI in Industry, California

      out of state DUI industry

      There are many severe punishments that are handed out to Industry DUI offenders charged with impaired driving. In most DUI offenses, it is important to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

      How to Deal with an out of State DUI in Industry, California?

      Getting charged with a DUI offense is a serious issue. It is inevitable for you to escape the clutches of the law and you will have to face a court ruling. When it comes to DUI offenses in Industry, California the law is very strict. Even if you are from another state you cannot run away from the consequences that follow a DUI charge. There is absolutely no way that you will be able to evade any legal proceedings in Industry or California.

      As per the current laws that prevail in Industry and California related to DUI cases not only the residents of Industry or CA come under its ambit, but they are also binding upon the residents of other states. This is the major reason why you need to hire a competent DUI lawyer who can properly represent you in the court of law. As a leading DUI law firm in Industry, we employ experienced lawyers who are well conversant with such cases.

      Implications if You Get a DUI Out of State in Industry, California

      Getting charged with a DUI offense is one of the worst situations that a person can face in his or her lifetime. It can become even more depressing when you are charged with a DUI in another state. An out of state DUI in California or Industry means that you will have to face many strict legal implications because the laws governing DUI offenses are the strictest in California and Industry. The fines and penalties can be quite overwhelming and may cause a lot of damage to your life in the future.

      Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Industry

      i got a DUI in another state industry

      dui in another state industry

      Types Of DUI Charges:

      Impaired Driving

      Driving Under The Influence

      Over 80 m.g. DUI

      Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

      Care and Control

      Multiple DUI Offenses

      Consequences Of A DUI:

      Criminal Record

      Serving a Jail Sentence

      Drivers License Suspension

      Payment of Fines

      Travel Restrictions

      Loss of Income


      Call Us for a free Consultation

      Out of State DUI License Suspension in Industry or California

      An out of state DUI is likely to add to your legal distress rather than alleviating it If you are driving a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or more and have a California driver’s license, the police officer who is going to make the arrest will confiscate your license and give you a temporary one that will expire within 30 days. Unless you can successfully argue against this at the DMV hearing, your suspension period will start after the date of expiry.

      In case you have a license from another state, the process is a bit different. In such a case, the police officer will let you know that your driving privileges in California will be suspended within 30 days, instead of confiscating your license. Your suspended driving privileges will most likely carry over to your home state due to an agreement known as the “Driver’s License Compact.” If you are charged with a DUI offense in Industry or California, you will receive an out of the state DUI licence suspension in your home state once it is made aware of the legal issue you face in California or Industry.

      What to Expect if you Get a DUI Out of State in Industry, CA

      Since you will have to face legal implications in Industry, California as well as in your home state, the overlap in jurisdictions may compound the case, making it much more complex. This is why having a professional and competent DUI lawyer by your side is the only and most reliable way out.
      A common mistake that people make is to believe that just because they have been arrested for a DUI offense in another region and not their home state, they will not lose their driving privileges in their state of residence. However, the legal consequences of a drunk driving charge can remain on your record and can follow you home after your trip to the other state is over. If you fail a drunk driving test in California, you cannot escape its consequences by returning home.

      out of state DUI licence suspension industry

      if you get a DUI out of state industry

      Fighting a DUI in Another State in Court in Industry

      Getting a DUI in another state is a complex issue. Not only will you be facing legal implications in your home state but also at the state where you get charged for a DUI offense. The laws in Industry as well as in California are strict and the chances are that you may have to face an out of state DUI licence suspension. In such a case, you will require the services of a Industry DUI lawyer who will safeguard you against legal implications and will represent in the most professional way in the court of law.

      Whether or not a driver loses his or her driving privileges in their home region based on a DUI in another state depends on the home state’s membership status in what is known as the “Interstate Driver’s License Compact”. It is an agreement that most states in the country have signed and it allows participating states to get in touch with each other about driving related offenses such as DUI. This means that if you are found guilty of driving under the influence in one state, that state’s DMV will inform your home state of the charges and conviction. There are however, several that can help you to strategically minimize the hardships and can save you from facing the consequences of charges resulting from a DUI in another state.

      What Do I Do if I Have a DUI in Another State But I Live in Industry?

      Being charged with a DUI offense is a serious offense that can cause many problems in the future. Being charged with a DUI offense in another state is even more troublesome. If you are asking yourself questions like “What should I do now that I have a DUI in another state” then the first thing you should do is to contact a competent Industry DUI lawyer. We will assess your case and fight to protect you against the legal complications arising from a DUI charge.


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      24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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        Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

        Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

        How We Help our experience is your advantage
        Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

        Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
        • Impaired Driving
        • Driving Under The Influence
        • Over 80 DUI
        • Failure To Provide
        • Multiple DUI Offenses
        • Care And Control

        Industry DUI Defense Attorney

        dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

        Industry DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

        We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

        Invaluable Experience

        Drunk Driving Charges

        As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

        Over 80mg DUI Charges

        Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

        Failure To provide Charges

        As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

        Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

        Superior Knowledge

        Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

        Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

        Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

        We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

        Extreme DUI Charges

        Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


        Call For Your Free Consultation.

        dui first offense

        Carson DUI Refusal Defense

        Defense For Refusing A Breathalyzer in Carson, California

        dui refusal defense carson

        Because of the severe punishments meted out to DUI offenders in Carson, it is essnetial iin such cases to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

        The Implications of Carson Laws For Those Who Refuse To Blow

        When a police officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that the accused is driving under the influence, it is a criminal offense in Carson for that person to refuse to give a breath sample. The sample is required to assess the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the driver’s body. In such cases, the person will be charged with refusing to provide a sample. Additionally, the accused will also be charged with impaired driving as well.

        The first thing you should do when you are charged with refusing to take a breathalyzer in Carson, California is to get in touch with an experienced and reliable Carson DUI lawyer who will prepare your DUI refusal defense. There are several angles that can be taken into account when dealing with this law. Our team of DUI lawyers has consistently been successful in getting a DUI refusal dismissed in the courts of Carson.

        The Consequences and Penalties You Should Expect If You Refuse To Blow in Carson

        If you refuse to blow by failing to give a sample of your breath, after a reasonable and lawful demand has been made by a police officer, you will be attracting stiff penalties and harsh punishments in Carson courts. There are several consequences to a refusal.

        The major consequences of a breathalyzer test refusal in California are:

        • Increased penalties in addition to the standard California DUI penalties
        • A mandatory driver’s license suspension that will occur regardless of the outcome in your DUI case.
        • This is because of the “implied consent” law in California. As per this law, you have no right to refuse a DUI breath test once you are lawfully arrested for DUI.

        The “implied consent law” in California applied to DUI blood tests as well as to breath tests. But the Supreme Court of the United States has recently suggested that penal action may not be taken against defendants for refusing to take blood tests in cases where the police have not obtained a warrant.

        If proved guilty of the offense, first-time offenders will automatically face additional jail time of 96 hours and a 2 year license revocation. For second time offenders, additional jail time of 10 extra days and 3 year license revocation. For third time offenders, 18 extra days in jail and a 3 year license revocation.

        Those who do not have a criminal record have to know for sure that the decision to refuse to blow may cost them their good reputation by giving them a record.

        Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Carson

        dui refusal dismissed carson

        beat a DUI refusal carson

        Types Of DUI Charges:

        Impaired Driving

        Driving Under The Influence

        Over 80 m.g. DUI

        Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

        Care and Control

        Multiple DUI Offenses

        Consequences Of A DUI:

        Criminal Record

        Serving a Jail Sentence

        Drivers License Suspension

        Payment of Fines

        Travel Restrictions

        Loss of Income


        Call Us for a free Consultation

        How to Effectively Build a DUI Refusal Defense in Carson, CA

        Usually, a lot of people have a common misconception that fighting a California DUI Refusal charge is impossible. However, there are a lot of effective ways that can be resorted to in order to fight a DUI Refusal charge. When a person is accused of refusing to submit to a blood or breath alcohol test, they are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in violation of California Vehicle Code Section 23152(a) with the further allegation that they refused a chemical test as required by Section 23612 of the California Vehicle Code, deliberately.

        When you contact our Carson DUI Lawyers to try and beat a DUI refusal, we zealously advocate on your behalf by focusing on a number of issues that might have been a legitimate basis for refusing a breathalyzer. These may include:

        • Mental grounds where the accused was so drunk or inebriated with drugs that he/she was unable to understand the demand being made or the effects of the refusal.
        • Incapacitation due to medical reasons.
        • Not given the right to meet or consult with counsel before providing the breath sample.
        • The breathalyzer equipment not giving accurate results.
        • The police officer had no reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that an offense under DUI laws has been committed and hence there was no sufficient reason for the person to take the test.
        • Not driving under the influence.
        • Failure to provide appropriate warning.

        Contact a Defense Lawyer Immediately If You Refuse To Blow in Carson

        You will be assured that your refusal to take a breathalyzer test and your impaired driving charges are fought on highly technical grounds when we receive details of an arrest if you refuse to blow. This includes whether the police officer followed the rules that he must obey in administering the tests, and whether the driver had a valid reason for refusing the test.

        Moreover, it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt by the prosecution that the police officer fulfilled all of his legal obligations. This includes confirming that the person who had been asked to take the breath test understands what he or she was required to do, and the consequences of refusing to do so. Therefore, if you have been arrested, our DUI refusal defense will depend on these kinds of factors, which depend on technical, constitutional grounds.

        refusing breathalyzer carson

        refuse to blow carson

        The Chances of Getting a DUI Refusal Dismissed in the Courts of Carson

        Although a common misconception is that, under the laws in Carson, California, it is very difficult to get a DUI refusal dismissed because the laws are very strict regarding refuse to blow cases. However, a reliable Carson DUI Lawyer can prepare an outstanding DUI refusal defense for you. It will primarily be based on whether all of the necessary regulations and conditions have been fulfilled before the officer asks you to perform the test. In most cases, we are able to point out flaws in the prosecution’s argument, especially when it comes to officer’s compliance with these rules, in building the best defense possible.

        We Are Your Best Option When Trying To Beat A DUI Refusal in Carson

        If you are charged with refusing a breathalyzer and impaired driving, contact our Carson DUI lawyer immediately. Time is of the essence in such situations because our DUI refusal defense is largely based on technical and constitutional grounds that pertain to the collection of evidence collected from the site as well as cross-examining prosecution witnesses. We also offer a DUI expungement service for those who have already been convicted and want their DUI records gotten rid of. Give us a call today to experience our great services.


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        24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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          Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

          Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

          How We Help our experience is your advantage
          Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

          Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
          • Impaired Driving
          • Driving Under The Influence
          • Over 80 DUI
          • Failure To Provide
          • Multiple DUI Offenses
          • Care And Control

          Carson DUI Defense Attorney

          dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

          Carson DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

          We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

          Invaluable Experience

          Drunk Driving Charges

          As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

          Over 80mg DUI Charges

          Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

          Failure To provide Charges

          As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

          Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

          Superior Knowledge

          Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

          Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

          Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

          We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

          Extreme DUI Charges

          Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


          Call For Your Free Consultation.

          fight DUI charges

          Fighting a DUI Charge in Manhattan Beach

          How to Fight a DUI Charge Effectively in Manhattan Beach, CA

          how to fight a DUI charge manhattan beach

          Because of the severe and harsh punishments that are handed out to Manhattan Beach DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

          Ways to Fight DUI Charges Effectively in Manhattan Beach, California

          As per the California Vehicle Code, a DUI offense is considered as a serious crime that attracts a lot of severe penalties and punishments. If you’ve been charged with DUI or an impaired driving offense recently, then you need to take an urgent course of action immediately in order to ensure that you are protected from the legal implications and consequences of a DUI. You need a high profile and experienced DUI Lawyer who understands how to fight a DUI charge and can determine which course of action to take in your particular case in Manhattan Beach, CA. A DUI conviction can ruin your career and the stigma of a DUI lasts a lifetime and it may deny you future opportunities.

          To safeguard yourself from the legal complexities, it is important to understand the effective ways of fighting a DUI charge. Therefore, to successfully fight a DUI charge you need to hire the reliable services of a professional DUI lawyer who will fight for you in court.

          Fighting a DUI Charge in Manhattan Beach, California

          Fighting a DUI charge is a tedious task. Getting charged with a DUI offense is in itself a stressful and intimidating event, and the overall experience can be overwhelming. There is one thing that you should always remember: You are considered innocent until proven guilty. If the court has no reason to believe that you were intoxicated while driving, then it will dismiss the case. There are some common scenarios where you can get your case dismissed. Without the help of a trustworthy lawyer fighting a DUI charge can become frustrating, and that’s why it is essential to call one of our attorneys today.

          Our Manhattan Beach DUI Law firm aims to protect you from DUI conviction in Manhattan Beach and other parts of California. We fight to prevent a conviction following a DUI, and strive to protect you at all costs. There are two common ways to beat DUI charges. First, the prosecution will drop the charges when there is a major flaw in the case pointed out by the defendants lawyer. Second, the prosecution agrees to a plea bargain of a lesser charge instead of a criminal DUI conviction.

          Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Manhattan Beach

          fighting DUI charges manhattan beach

          fight a DUI charge manhattan beach

          Types Of DUI Charges:

          Impaired Driving

          Driving Under The Influence

          Over 80 m.g. DUI

          Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

          Care and Control

          Multiple DUI Offenses

          Consequences Of A DUI:

          Criminal Record

          Serving a Jail Sentence

          Drivers License Suspension

          Payment of Fines

          Travel Restrictions

          Loss of Income


          Call Us for a free Consultation

          The Methods of Fighting a DUI Charge in Manhattan Beach, California

          There are a few ways that you can fight a DUI charge in Manhattan Beach and avoid being convicted. After being arrested for a DUI charge, it is quite natural for a person to be worried about what’s going to happen. Usually, people believe that it is impossible to fight the charges and they want the law to take its course. However, this is not wise since by so doing you will be doing away with your fighting chance and will be helping the court officials by making their job easier. During DUI investigations, it is common for law enforcement officers to make mistakes and those mistakes open ways for you to contest charges and avoid penalties. The following are the most effective methods which can be effectively utilized in Manhattan Beach DUI cases.

          • Challenging the legality of the DUI checkpoint stop.
          • Taking Mouth Alcohol as a defense.
          • Taking medical defenses such as GERD, Hiatal Hernia and acid reflux.
          • Ketosis as a result of Diabetes or Low-Carb diets.
          • Citing Title 17 Violations.
          • Proving to the court it was simple bad driving and not DUI.
          • Taking Radio Frequency Interference as a DUI defense.
          • Showing that you were not driving.
          • Proving that no mental impairment means, no DUI offense.
          • Showing to the court that there was lack of probable cause for a DUI stop.
          • Disputing the Suspicion that you were under the influence.
          • Questioning the Field Sobriety Tests.
          • Challenging the Blood Alcohol Concentration results from breath tests.
          • Challenging the results of the blood tests.
          • Showing and proving that the arrest at the DUI Checkpoint was illegal.
          • Asserting the failure of the officer to read your Miranda Rights.
          • Alleging racial profiling or some other misconduct.
          • Making a Rising Blood Alcohol Content argument.
          • Citing a failure to issue implied consent warning.

          fighting a DUI charge manhattan beach

          fight DUI charges manhattan beach

          The Necessity of Fighting a DUI Charge in Manhattan Beach

          The penalties resulting from a DUI conviction are severe and there will be much at stake if you are to face the charges. However, there are many viable tactics and strategies to get the case ruled in your favor. The most effective and appropriate way is to hire a professional DUI lawyer who will prepare an outstanding defense for your case and zealously advocate on your behalf. A DUI conviction is a life-altering experience that will leave you with a criminal record. Therefore, it is crucial for you to take every possible measure of fighting a DUI charge that will help you avoid a conviction.

          The Benefits Obtained When You Fight DUI Charges in Manhattan Beach, California

          Although there are several benefits of fighting a DUI, the foremost benefit you will receive when you fight DUI charges is that you will be able to avoid a criminal record, which is a very problematic thing to have. You may end up requiring an ignition interlock device to be installed in your vehicle, but having a criminal record will harm your future prospects in life. The courts in Manhattan Beach, California are the strictest in such cases and choosing to hire the services of a Manhattan Beach DUI lawyer can ensure your protection from a DUI conviction.

          Necessary Legal Assistance to Fight DUI Charges in Manhattan Beach

          In order to successfully fight DUI charges and avoid the consequences of a DUI offense, it is crucial to have an experienced lawyer by your side. The lawyer should have extensive knowledge of the law, wisdom for presenting arguments in the court, and access to investigative resources. We have all of these qualities. Manhattan Beach DUI Lawyer provides experienced DUI lawyers in Manhattan Beach, California and our endeavour is to protect you from convictions by representing you in the most professional way.


          Call Us for a free Consultation

          Call Us Now talking is FREE!

          Call For A Free Consultation

          24 Hours

          24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

          Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

            Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

            Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

            How We Help our experience is your advantage
            Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

            Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
            • Impaired Driving
            • Driving Under The Influence
            • Over 80 DUI
            • Failure To Provide
            • Multiple DUI Offenses
            • Care And Control

            Manhattan Beach DUI Defense Attorney

            dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

            Manhattan Beach DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

            We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

            Invaluable Experience

            Drunk Driving Charges

            As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

            Over 80mg DUI Charges

            Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

            Failure To provide Charges

            As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

            Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

            Superior Knowledge

            Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

            Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

            Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

            We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

            Extreme DUI Charges

            Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


            Call For Your Free Consultation.

            dui first offense

            Monrovia Driving Under the Influence Defense

            Defenses to Driving Under the Influence Offenses in Monrovia

            driving under the influence monrovia

            Because of the severity of punishments faced by individuals charged with driving under the influence offenses in Monrovia, it is always important to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer if you stand accused.

            What To Do If Charged With Driving While Under the Influence in Monrovia, CA

            The laws surrounding driving under the influence in Monrovia are very strict, and a conviction brings hefty fines and penalties. Moreover, these offenses are among some of the most litigated in the courts of Monrovia, California primarily because they often deal with highly technical matters that attorneys can debate. In this context, a defense is crafted based on evidence collected from the site of the incident as well as the accounts of eyewitnesses who saw the events.

            When defending our clients in court, there are a number of important aspects to building a defense. Our teams of highly experienced, professional, and reputable attorneys are well-versed in the complexities and technical details of DUI cases. Due to the time-sensitive nature of these cases, time is of the essence when deciding to contact an attorney to assist you in a DUI case, largely because the collection of evidence must happen quickly after your arrest. As a result, it is advisable that you contact us as soon as possible after being charged with breaking driving under the influence laws.

            Laws Regulating Driving While Under the Influence Charges in Monrovia

            The prosecutor may lead you to believe that their case against you is quite solid and that you are going to face a lot of severe punishments, but there are many defenses available for you to fight a DUI. Our Monrovia DUI attorney knows that that you may have various defenses available and our teams of expert and skilled attorneys will work diligently to defend you against conviction or any of the consequences of a Driving Under the Influence charges.

            The prosecutor may lead you to believe that their case against you is quite solid and that you are going to face a lot of severe punishments, but there are many defenses available for you to fight a DUI. Our Monrovia DUI attorney knows that that you may have various defenses available and our teams of expert and skilled attorneys will work diligently to defend you against conviction or any of the consequences of a Driving Under the Influence charges.

            Defenses that have been used in several cases in order to beat California DUI charges:

            • The officer’s lack of probable cause to make the initial stop
            • Mistakes in the administrative procedures relating to blood and breath tests
            • A person appearing not under the influence during field sobriety tests
            • Miranda rights violations
            • Illegal arrest
            • A lack of evidence

            If you have been arrested for an alcohol or marijuana DUI in Monrovia or Orange County, these and other defenses may apply to your case. Our skilled Monrovia DUI attorney can help you to determine what defenses may be available against a criminal DUI charge. However, it is important that you contact an attorney promptly as many defenses are time-sensitive.

            Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Monrovia

            dui driving under the influence monrovia

            driving while under the influence monrovia

            Types Of DUI Charges:

            Impaired Driving

            Driving Under The Influence

            Over 80 m.g. DUI

            Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

            Care and Control

            Multiple DUI Offenses

            Consequences Of A DUI:

            Criminal Record

            Serving a Jail Sentence

            Drivers License Suspension

            Payment of Fines

            Travel Restrictions

            Loss of Income


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            DUI Driving Under the Influence in Monrovia, California

            The essential factors of establishing evidence for DUI driving under the influence are primarily: (1) the time and date of the incident, (2) the identity of the accused, and (3) that the court has proper jurisdiction. Additionally, in a case that involves drugs, as opposed to alcohol, the case becomes more complicated and requires the professional opinion of a drug recognition expert.

            Over 80 Driving Under the Influence Law in Monrovia, CA

            In order to prosecute a DUI case, It has to be established in the court that the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of the accused is over 80mg for 100ml of blood. There is a certain set of protocols that law enforcement must follow in drawing blood samples. One, the blood samples must be taken as soon as possible after the offense occurred. Two, the blood samples must not in any case be taken later than two hours of the incident. FInally, there should be a 15 minute interval between subsequent samples obtained. All these requirements are clearly outlined in the driving under the influence laws.

            Furthermore, breath samples must also collected using an approved and calibrated instrument handled by a certified technician in order for the evidence to be admissible in court. The instrument, such as a breathalyzer, displays fail for over 0.1%, caution between 0.05% and 0.1% and a numerical value below 0.05%.

            driving under the influence law monrovia

            drinking and driving under the influence monrovia

            Fines for Drinking and Driving under the Influence Convictions in Monrovia

            The laws related to driving under the influence are enacted both by Congress and the Federal government of the United States. Therefore the fines and punishment may vary depending on the province. However, the minimum quantum for punishments is:

            • For a first offense, 6 month license suspension, three year probation, and up to $1000 fine.
            • For a second offense, 24-month license suspension, three year probation, up to one year jail sentence and a $1000 fine.
            • For a third or subsequent offense, 36-month license suspension, five year probation, one year jail sentence and fine up to $1000.

            Choose an Elite Monrovia DUI Lawyer To Fight Your Driving Under the Influence Charge

            Our experienced and skilled impaired driving lawyer has successfully defended clients in drinking and driving under the influence cases in courts all across Monrovia, California. Our investigators often visit the scene of the incident to get first-hand information on the case. In so doing, we are able to go into the depths of the case in order to build a defense based on countering the prosecutions evidence and being able to cross-examine witnesses. We also rely on the federal Constitution and its various rights to build our case in defending you. The different strategies that we have used have always been successful in the courts of Monrovia, California. Give us a call to learn more about how we can defend you against driving under the influence offenses.


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            Call Us Now talking is FREE!

            Call For A Free Consultation

            24 Hours

            24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

            Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

              Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

              Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

              How We Help our experience is your advantage
              Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

              Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
              • Impaired Driving
              • Driving Under The Influence
              • Over 80 DUI
              • Failure To Provide
              • Multiple DUI Offenses
              • Care And Control

              Monrovia DUI Defense Attorney

              dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

              Monrovia DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

              We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

              Invaluable Experience

              Drunk Driving Charges

              As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

              Over 80mg DUI Charges

              Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

              Failure To provide Charges

              As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

              Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

              Superior Knowledge

              Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

              Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

              Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

              We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

              Extreme DUI Charges

              Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


              Call For Your Free Consultation.

              dui programs

              DUI Classes Offered in Manhattan Beach

              Conditions Required For Those Participating in Manhattan Beach DUI Programs

              dui classes manhattan beach

              DUI offenders charged with impaired driving must face the severe and harsh punishments that are handed out to them in Manhattan Beach. In such cases, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

              Information For Those Required To Participate in Manhattan Beach DUI Classes

              Drunk driving programs in Manhattan Beach, California are for drivers who have been convicted under California Vehicle Code for alcohol related driving offenses and are required to attend DUI classes as outlined by the State of California with a licenced DUI education program provider that runs the Programs. Once you are enrolled in this Program, you may be permitted to drive with a conditional interlock drivers licence for part of the period that your licence has been revoked within the frame of a prohibition order.

              You must enroll in California DUI school if you are convicted in California of either Vehicle Code 23152(a) VC driving under the influence, Vehicle Code 23152(b) VC driving with a BAC of 0.08 or higher, or Vehicle Code 23103.5 VC “wet reckless.”

              However, if you are charged with a DUI offense, your first step should be to contact an experienced Manhattan Beach DUI Lawyer. We have the necessary professional experience to present your case in the courts of Manhattan Beach, CA based mainly on whether all clauses of the Charter of Rights have been strictly followed by the prosecution.

              Conditions to be Met Before One Attends Manhattan Beach DUI Classes

              There are certain steps that need to be followed prior to being accepted in drunk driving programs.

              • An alcohol breathalyzer or an ignition interlock device has to be installed in the vehicle.
              • Send an application to the Licenced DUI program provider to be accepted in DUI class which again is not automatic.
              • A certain amount of fee has to be paid for being admitted to the Program.
              • DUI classes include Addiction Services for counseling, rehabilitation, and education.
              • Be eligible for a driver’s licence.
              • Meet all other norms and stipulations of DUI Programs.
              • The addiction services are conducted by different Health Authorities who are authorized to offer mandatory counseling services.

              Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Manhattan Beach

              drunk driving programs manhattan beach

              dui class manhattan beach

              Types Of DUI Charges:

              Impaired Driving

              Driving Under The Influence

              Over 80 m.g. DUI

              Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

              Care and Control

              Multiple DUI Offenses

              Consequences Of A DUI:

              Criminal Record

              Serving a Jail Sentence

              Drivers License Suspension

              Payment of Fines

              Travel Restrictions

              Loss of Income


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              Factors That Determine Your Acceptance into Manhattan BeachDrunk Driving Programs

              • Acceptance to DUI class in Manhattan Beach, California is not automatic. Instead, it is at the discretion of the Licenced DUI program provider. The following factors will be taken into consideration before enrolling you in drunk driving programs.
              • Your driving history especially the part related to DUI and whether this has led to a conviction under the California Vehicle Code.
              • Medical conditions that concern the ability to drive and participate in the Program.
              • Information about your physical and mental health as given by Addiction Services.
              • Information about your participation in programs held by other drunk driving organizations.
              • It is only after getting a positive rating in these aspects will the Licenced DUI Program Provider, accept you in the DUI Programs.

              dui programs manhattan beach

              drunk driving organizations manhattan beach

              Recommendable DUI Class and the Restoration of Licences in Manhattan Beach, CA

              If you have been convicted under California Vehicle Code for impaired driving and have caused bodily harm or death, you are not eligible for early reinstatement of the licence. In this case, you have to participate in DUI programs at the end of the revocation period to get the licence restored.

              The time period for getting a licence is as follows:

              • 6 months from the date of sentencing for a 1st offense
              • 24 months for a 2nd offense
              • 36 months for any subsequent offense

              If you are a first-time offender whose driver’s license is suspended or revoked, you may be eligible for a restricted license to permit you to the following:

              • Travelling to and from your place of employment
              • Only during the course of employment
              • Travelling to and from your DUI offender education program

              Before it can issue you a restricted license, the DMV will generally require:

              • A proof of enrollment in DUI school
              • A proof of financial responsibility

              It may further be noted that you are not eligible for this restricted license if you were driving a commercial vehicle at the time of your DUI.

              In all these cases, you can start the application process and required Alcohol Assessment before the specified period comes to an end.

              Whether you are facing a 1st, 2nd or 3rd DUI charge, get in touch with us as we have the requisite experience and the Manhattan Beach DUI lawyers who will create the best defense for your trial in court.

              The Most Recommended Drunk Driving Organizations in Manhattan Beach, California

              There are numerous drunk driving organizations that focus on reducing incidences of drunk driving and making the roads safer to drive on. The most recommended organizations that offer effective DUI programs include:

              • Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) whose objective is to stop drunk driving, preventing underage drinking and supporting victims of this crime.
              • California Association of DUI Treatment Programs (CADTP), which is one of the leading organizations in California, has apart from the same goals as MADD also supports legislative efforts to tighten DUI laws.
              • California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), is one of those organizations dedicated to help individuals at a large scale.

              Effective Drunk Driving Programs Recommended by Manhattan Beach DUI Lawyers

              Get in touch with us at Manhattan Beach DUI Lawyer immediately, if you have been charged with DUI. We have vast experience in this area of law, and all of our lawyers are well trained in dealing with such cases. Our DUI defense strategies have shown consistent results in favor of our clients. In the even that you are convicted for the offense, we will guide you through the different ramifications of drunk driving programs to enable you to have your licence restored in the shortest possible time. For further details, get in touch with us now.


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              Call Us Now talking is FREE!

              Call For A Free Consultation

              24 Hours

              24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

              Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                How We Help our experience is your advantage
                Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                • Impaired Driving
                • Driving Under The Influence
                • Over 80 DUI
                • Failure To Provide
                • Multiple DUI Offenses
                • Care And Control

                Manhattan Beach DUI Defense Attorney

                dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                Manhattan Beach DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                Invaluable Experience

                Drunk Driving Charges

                As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                Over 80mg DUI Charges

                Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                Failure To provide Charges

                As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                Superior Knowledge

                Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                Extreme DUI Charges

                Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


                Call For Your Free Consultation.

                2nd offense dui

                Santa Fe Springs 2nd DUI Defense

                How to Fight a Second Offense DUI in Santa Fe Springs, California

                2nd DUI santa fe springs

                The laws concerning DUI offenses in Santa Fe Springs come with severe punishments that DUI offenders in Santa Fe Springs have to face if charged with impaired driving. In such cases, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

                What To Do When Charged With a Second Offense DUI in Santa Fe Springs, CA

                A DUI is considered a serious offense in California. The consequences of a conviction for a 2nd DUI offense can be disastrous to the life of the accused. The Criminal Code of Law has harsh punishments under the Criminal Code and in some cases DUI second offense penalties are so extreme that paying the quantum of stipulated fines can lead a person perpetually into debt.

                The best option that you have when faced with a 2nd offense DUI is to get in touch with a reliable and highly experienced drinking and driving lawyer who will fight your case in trial. We are one of the most reputed DUI lawyers in Santa Fe Springs and have consistently shown favorable results on behalf of our clients in DUI cases. Do not hesitate to contact us when faced with a second DUI charge.

                A Second Offense DUI in Santa Fe Springs, California and the Consequences

                Getting a 2nd DUI is the last thing anybody would wish for. It puts you in the category of â�,��”repeat offenderâ�,� which, in any city in California, will mean more fines and penalties than in the first DUI offense. If you have committed the 2nd offense DUI within 5 years of the first offense things could get much uglier. In this case, prosecutors will go all out to establish that you have broken the law once and you will continue to endanger the lives of other motorists and people on the road in the future and you will be facing a lot from the court of law.

                Both the police officers and the prosecutors will do everything in their capacity to ensure that you do not beat stiff sentencing and penalties. In such a case the best option that you have is to seek the help and support of a top notch DUI lawyer who can get you out of trouble and save you from the consequences of a second offense DUI. We at Santa Fe Springs DUI Lawyer have a team of DUI lawyers who with their experience and skill will ensure every flaw in the case is found out and will make sure that the declaration of human rights have been scrupulously followed in your case.

                Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Santa Fe Springs

                second offense DUI santa fe springs

                dui second offense santa fe springs

                Types Of DUI Charges:

                Impaired Driving

                Driving Under The Influence

                Over 80 m.g. DUI

                Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                Care and Control

                Multiple DUI Offenses

                Consequences Of A DUI:

                Criminal Record

                Serving a Jail Sentence

                Drivers License Suspension

                Payment of Fines

                Travel Restrictions

                Loss of Income


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                An Overview of Sentencing for 2nd Offense DUI Offenders in Santa Fe Springs

                First of all, a second DUI can lead to extreme penalties, simply because the accused is considered to be a threat on the roads and as stated earlier it could lead to a lot of future problems in the life of the accused. Under this offense there are several consequences that you will be facing but the most severe is the permanent loss of your driverâ�,��”�s license and a jail term and/or probation can be imposed for a period of up to 5 years. However, in some cases a hardship license may be issued to the accused as an exception. In such cases, an Ignition Interlock Device will have to be installed in the car for a minimum period of a year or even more.

                The cost of installation and the maintenance of the ignition interlock device will be at the expense of the accused. It will thus be an additional financial cost added on to the other financial woes that come with being a convicted second offender.

                second DUI santa fe springs

                2nd offense DUI santa fe springs

                The Different Type of Sentences in Santa Fe Springs for a DUI Second Offense

                A person who has been convicted in Santa Fe Springs, California for an impaired driving offense for the second time automatically faces a country-wide driving prohibition, jail term, hefty fines and other penalties.

                The minimum sentences for DUI second offense is as follows:

                • A 2 year driving prohibition
                • Up to 2 years of jail time
                • In case of death or injury the penalties can go up manifold with a jail time that may extend up to 15 years.
                • Four to five years of formal or informal probation.
                • Court fines and fees that may go up to thousands of dollars.
                • An 18 month alcohol program.
                • Morgue Education.
                • Mothers Against Drunk Driving Class.
                • Possible SCRAM or Alcohol Rehabilitation Program.
                • Installation of an ignition interlock device for a period of one year that may go up to 3 years after the day of sentence for a second offense DUI.

                Getting A Second DUI in Santa Fe Springs While on Probation for a Previous DUI

                As per the laws concerning DUI offenses in Santa Fe Springs}, the punishments are severe and even stricter with tougher consequences and a higher quantum of sentencing than prior offenses. Any driver with a second DUI while being on probation for a previous first DUI offense is not eligible for a driver’s license if you fail to contact the DMV within 10 days of your DUI arrest and this includes no liability for a restricted license. Apart from harsher driver’s license suspension, you could face an addition 6 month jail time that the court may order. The second DUI while on probation for the first one increases the seriousness of the case and the consequences that follow.

                Hire Us Today to Defend a Second DUI in Santa Fe Springs

                Getting a top of the line DUI Lawyer is essential for you to fight a 2nd offense DUI in Santa Fe Springs, California. We will endeavor to work out strategies that are necessary in order to beat the charges, including inspecting the circumstances that led to the arrest and to evaluate whether the constitutional rights of the accused have been fully adhered to.

                Give us a call today for more information and a free consultation.


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                  Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                  Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                  How We Help our experience is your advantage
                  Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                  Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                  • Impaired Driving
                  • Driving Under The Influence
                  • Over 80 DUI
                  • Failure To Provide
                  • Multiple DUI Offenses
                  • Care And Control

                  Santa Fe Springs DUI Defense Attorney

                  dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                  Santa Fe Springs DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                  We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                  Invaluable Experience

                  Drunk Driving Charges

                  As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                  Over 80mg DUI Charges

                  Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                  Failure To provide Charges

                  As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                  Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                  Superior Knowledge

                  Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                  Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                  Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                  We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                  Extreme DUI Charges

                  Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


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