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impaired driving causing death

Lynwood DUI Accident Lawyer

DUI Accident and DUI Manslaughter Attorney in Lynwood, CA

dui accident lawyer lynwood

There are many severe punishments that are handed out to Lynwood DUI offenders charged with impaired driving. Therefore, it is always extremely importance to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer to help you build the best case possible.

What To Do In Case You Are Involved In A DUI Car Accident in Lynwood

As per the California Vehicle Code, committing a DUI offense is considered a crime and is dealt with in the strictest manner in Lynwood. In case you have been charged with a DUI, then the chances are that you will have to face a tough trial and if convicted you will have to face a lot of severe consequences. Furthermore, if you cause a DUI accident or crash then things may get even worse. This is because, in the case of a DUI accident, you not only face the law of the jurisdiction but you also have to face a lawsuit filed by the third party affected by the DUI car accident. As per the California Vehicle Code Section 23153 VC “DUI causing injury” is a crime as driving under the influence and causing bodily injury to another person as a result and has severe consequences. Prosecutors may charge DUI causing injury under California Vehicle Code Section 23153 as either a misdemeanor or a felony.

This is why it becomes highly critical for you to hire a reputable, highly qualified, and experienced DUI accident lawyer in Lynwood, California who is well-versed with the relevant law. We are a renowned DUI law firm in Lynwood, California. We employ DUI lawyers that have a proven track record and are successful at representing clients and winning cases. We can also help and assist with anyone who needs to fight an out of state DUI as well.

DUI Manslaughter Charges in Lynwood, California

Causing death when driving drunk can amount to DUI manslaughter or a California DUI murder also known as “Watson Murder”. Both of these are serious charges that will attract the harshest punishments. If you have been involved in such a case, there are high chances of you ending up in jail, and there is a probability that it will amount to life imprisonment in addition to paying a hefty fine. The term “Watson murder” is derived from a 1981 California Supreme Court case known as People v. Watson. In the said case it was established that it is possible for a drunk driver who causes an accident that kills someone to be convicted of murder. Under the California law, Watson murder” (DUI murder) is not a distinct criminal offense. Instead, it is a term referring to a person being charged with second-degree murder under California’s murder law Penal Code 187 PC for causing a fatal accident while driving under the influence. Under Penal Code 191.5(a) PC a “Gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated” occurs when a person commits both California DUI and a grossly negligent act, and as a result another person is killed. However, if you have a reliable defense counsel representing you in court, then the ruling can be reduced in your favour.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Lynwood

 impaired driving causing death lynwood

dui manslaughter lynwood

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offenses

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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In Lynwood Impaired Driving Causing Death Is A Homicide Offense

DUI manslaughter is when a driver causes an accident while under the influence of alcohol or some other prohibited intoxicant and as a result kills the passengers of the car, occupants of another car or pedestrians. DUI manslaughter is treated as a homicide offense under the Penal Code Section 191.5(a) PC and can lead to a sentence in the state prison of four, six or ten years.

What Determines A DUI Manslaughter Charge In Lynwood

In case of a DUI accident causing injury or death, it is easier for prosecutors to prove that the driver was driving negligently and recklessly if the driver was under the influence of an intoxicant that caused the accident that resulted in the death or injury of a third party. In such a case, you should seek a quality and reliable defense lawyer who can build a strong case to protect you against the maximum punishment for a DUI manslaughter conviction. Thus, when you find yourself in such a situation, do not hesitate to get in touch with our Lynwood DUI lawyers immediately to ensure that you receive and obtain a qualified and skilled DUI accident defense attorney.

dui car accident lynwood

dui accident attorney lynwood

Our Lynwood DUI Accident Attorney Will Uphold Your Rights

Lynwood and California have a strict policy when it comes to DUI offenses, and such cases are involve the strictest of penalties. Things get much worse in the case of an accident that involved impaired driving causing death in Lynwood, California. In such a case, the ruling of the court will be harsh. For this reason, it is critical for you to hire a reputable and a knowledgeable Lynwood DUI accident lawyer who will uphold your rights, even in the worst case scenario. Our experienced and qualified DUI accident Attorney will represent you in such a way that the ruling may become less considerable and the consequences suppressed.

Choosing A Lynwood DUI Accident Attorney If You Were Involved in a DUI Car Accident

In case of a DUI car accident in Lynwood or California that has resulted in injury or death, it is advised that you should hire a DUI accident attorney who has knowledge and experience with such cases. Our DUI accident attorney will assess your case thoroughly, and then prepare your defense in the most thoughtful and professional way. Contact us today and we will be more than willing to look at the details of your case and offer you a consultation.


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    Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

    Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

    Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offenses
    • Care And Control

    Lynwood DUI Defense Attorney

    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

    Lynwood DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Invaluable Experience

    Drunk Driving Charges

    As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

    Over 80mg DUI Charges

    Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

    Failure To provide Charges

    As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

    Superior Knowledge

    Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

    Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

    We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

    Extreme DUI Charges

    Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


    Call For Your Free Consultation.

    alcohol drinking and driving

    San Fernando Alcohol and Driving Laws

    Laws Concerning Drinking Alcohol and Driving in San Fernando

    alcohol and driving san fernando

    People charged with DUI in San Fernando face severe and harsh punishments. Because of how serious these punishments are, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer to fight for you.

    An Overview of Alcohol and Driving Laws in San Fernando, California

    As per the California Vehicle Code, alcohol and driving is a strict no-no and DUI offenses are dealt with in a very strict manner throughout San Fernando, leading to fines, jail terms and other severe punishments. It is an offense under the California Vehicle Code, and the offenders have to face long term repercussions in their future. If you have been arrested in San Fernando, California for an offense of driving with blood alcohol limits that is above the permissible limit by law, it is advised that you should get in touch with an experienced DUI lawyer who is familiar with the DUI process in San Fernando.

    We at San Fernando DUI Lawyer have an experienced team of DUI lawyers who are knowledgeable and experienced with this area of law. We will fight for you using a well-developed strategy, which focuses on both cross-examining witnesses as well as pointing out contractions in evidence and any actions taken by police that may have violated Constitutional rights.

    Laws Governing Drinking Alcohol and Driving In San Fernando

    The laws related to drinking alcohol and driving in San Fernando is very specific and stringent. California’s drunk driving laws can be found in Vehicle Code section 23152 is related to impaired driving and clearly states that Everyone commits an offense who operates a motor vehicle or vessel or operates or assists in the operation of an aircraft or of railway equipment or has the care or control of a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment, whether it is in motion or not.

    In the relevant subsections to this clause, 23152(a) it is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage to drive a vehicle, Section 23152(b) it is unlawful for a person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle, Section 23152(e) it is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle and 23152(f) it is unlawful for a person who is under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug to drive a vehicle. Notably, the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of anyone in care or control of a vehicle should not exceed 80mg per 100ml of blood.

    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in San Fernando

    alcohol and drunk driving san fernando

    drinking alcohol and driving san fernando

    Types Of DUI Charges:

    Impaired Driving

    Driving Under The Influence

    Over 80 m.g. DUI

    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

    Care and Control

    Multiple DUI Offenses

    Consequences Of A DUI:

    Criminal Record

    Serving a Jail Sentence

    Drivers License Suspension

    Payment of Fines

    Travel Restrictions

    Loss of Income


    Call Us for a free Consultation

    Alcohol Drinking and Driving Legal Limit In San Fernando

    Determining the charges for crossing the DUI legal limit that leads to arrest is primarily based on the observations of the investigating officer. The prosecution’s case concentrates on such evidence as well as a cross-examination of witnesses.

    Such over 80 cases are contested, and you always have a reliable chance of being acquitted with a good lawyer by your side. Thus, it is very crucial that you get in touch with an experienced DUI lawyer who will defend the case on your behalf.

    With the assistance of a reliable and experienced lawyer, you will increase your chances of beating your alcohol and driving case. Get in touch with our San Fernando DUI Lawyer and be confident that your case will be handled by professionals.

    alcohol drinking and driving san fernando

    alcohol and drink driving san fernando

    Breathalyzer Readings for Alcohol and Drunk Driving Charges in San Fernando, CA

    Since the charges for alcohol and drunk driving should be based on accurate findings of BAC, the laws related to devices for measuring breath samples are precisely defined.

    If an offender refuses to give breath samples and go through a trial, the onus of proving the offense rests on the prosecution. It has to be shown in a court of law that a proper demand was made and that the accused fully understood the request and the refusal of providing the samples was intentional.

    San Fernando Alcohol and Drinking and Driving Penalties

    Penalties for drinking and driving in San Fernando, CA are quite severe and the extent of penalties and fine increase with every additional offense.

    First Instance:

    • License suspension for a period of six months
    • Probation for a period of three years and may go up to five years
    • Jail sentence for a period of 48 hours to six months
    • Monetary fine that may go up to $1000
    • Five month requirement to drive a car with an ignition interlock device

    Second instance:

    • License suspension for a period of two years
    • Driving probation for a period of three years and may go up to five years.
    • Jail sentence for a period of 96 hours to one year
    • Monetary fine that may go up to $1000
    • 12 month requirement to drive a car with an ignition interlock device and it may go up to 3 years.

    Third instance:

    • License suspension for a period of three years
    • Probation for a period of three years and may go up to five years
    • Jail sentence for a period of 120 hours to one months
    • Monetary fine that may go up to $1000
    • 24 month requirement to drive a car with an ignition interlock device and it may go up to 3 years.

    It is also important to note that the quantum of sentencing varies depending on bodily harm or injuries or death caused due to alcohol and drunk driving.

    Experienced Defense Lawyers for Alcohol and Driving Charges in San Fernando, California

    Contact our San Fernando DUI Lawyer if you are arrested for alcohol and driving in San Fernando, CA. Our team of lawyers has the necessary skills and expertise to defend you in court. Over the years, we have achieved consistent and favorable results on behalf of our clients. Call us today and get more information on our outstanding services.


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    24 Hours

    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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      Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

      Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

      How We Help our experience is your advantage
      Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

      Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
      • Impaired Driving
      • Driving Under The Influence
      • Over 80 DUI
      • Failure To Provide
      • Multiple DUI Offenses
      • Care And Control

      San Fernando DUI Defense Attorney

      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

      San Fernando DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

      We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

      Invaluable Experience

      Drunk Driving Charges

      As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

      Over 80mg DUI Charges

      Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

      Failure To provide Charges

      As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

      Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

      Superior Knowledge

      Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

      Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

      Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

      We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

      Extreme DUI Charges

      Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


      Call For Your Free Consultation.

      dui first offense

      Beverly Hills DUI Charges Defense

      Defense Against DUI Charges in Beverly Hills, California

      dui charges beverly hills

      The punishment for DUI offenses in Beverly Hills are severe. Because of the level of punishment you can face, it is extremely important to hire a high-quality DUI Lawyer to assist you in defending the case.

      What to Do if You’re Facing DUI Charges in Beverly Hills, CA

      Recently there has been an increase in the number of convictions for different types of DUI charges in Beverly Hills. This fact has contributed to DUI charges becoming the largest single offense in California. Moreover, drinking and driving cases are more likely to be sent to trial than any other criminal offense. The reason for this is that, at trial, these cases are often contested on highly technical grounds based primarily on police misconduct during the DUI process. In defending you, we build a defense based on challenging the technical elements of the police officer’s process of determining a DUI offense has occurred and arresting you for it.

      As reputable and experienced defense lawyers pertaining to DUI charges in Beverly Hills, we have many years of experience in successfully defending our clients charged with a DUI. We have shown consistent results, largely due to our vigorous cross-examination of prosecution witnesses as well as our ability to target technical insufficiencies during trial. Contact us immediately if you are facing charges for a DUI in Beverly Hills, ON. The faster you contact us after the offense happened, the better. That way, we can start immediately to build a solid case to defend you.

      Charged With a DUI in Beverly Hills for BAC Levels Exceeding 80mg

      The most common of all of the different DUI charges in Beverly Hills, CA is violating the blood alcohol content law. A police officer can, if he or she suspects a DUI offense may be being committed, that the person provide breath samples into an approved device to measure blood alcohol content. Specifically, if there is reasonable ground to suspect that he/she has committed an offense under the law within the last three hours, he may ask for said breathalyzer test. The cutoff for legal drinking level is is 80 milligrams in 100 milliliters of blood. This evidence is used against you if taken to trial.

      However, when defending our clients in Beverly Hills, we try to establish a through cross-examination of prosecution witnesses and we utilize the presentation of other evidence proving that the taking of breath samples may have violated the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Hence we may also argue that the evidence should be excluded as the BAC results can be recorded falsely.
      Before giving you a California DUI breath test, an officer must continuously observe you for fifteen minutes in order to ensure that during this time you do not put anything containing alcohol into your mouth, including drinks, medicines or mouth wash etc.

      Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Beverly Hills

      charges for a DUI beverly hills

      charged with a DUI beverly hills

      Types Of DUI Charges:

      Impaired Driving

      Driving Under The Influence

      Over 80 m.g. DUI

      Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

      Care and Control

      Multiple DUI Offenses

      Consequences Of A DUI:

      Criminal Record

      Serving a Jail Sentence

      Drivers License Suspension

      Payment of Fines

      Travel Restrictions

      Loss of Income


      Call Us for a free Consultation

      Additional Drug Evaluations When Charged with DUI in Beverly Hills

      After the BAC evaluation is completed and it the officer find that the device indicates that you are over 80mg BAC, that officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that, due to the consumption of drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol, the offense was committed within the previous three hours. In this case, the police officer can demand the accused submit to an evaluation by the officer.

      If the evaluating officer believes that the person is impaired by drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol, he or she will demand that you take a test that will show how much alcohol you have consumed. There may also be a demand for blood and urine samples. In addition, it is also important to note that the statute also regards fatigue toxins as a type of drug.

      Field Sobriety Test Demands if Facing DUI Charges in Beverly Hills, CA

      When a Beverly Hills police officer is in doubt as to whether a person has consumed alcohol or drugs and that he/she has been in control of a vehicle in the past three hours, he r she may demand for an additional physical coordination tests to check for sobriety. Based on these tests, further demands can be made by the officer such as the demand for the use of approved instruments, a blood demand or a drug evaluation demand after which the DUI charges will be validated. The tests administered are the three standardized field sobriety tests, the Horizontal Nystagmus Test, the Walk-and-Turn Test, and the One-Leg Stand. The officer administering the tests has the proper training and experience and the test conditions are perfect. In reality, all of these factors can vary greatly and make the unreliability of FST results a viable DUI legal defense.

      different DUI charges beverly hills

      fight DUI charges beverly hills

      Use of Approved Screening Instruments if Facing DUI Charges in Beverly Hills

      The use of approved screening instruments is crucial for testing whenever one is facing charges for a DUI in Beverly Hills, California. These devices are calibrated in a way that displays fail if the BAC is above 0.1%, caution if between 0.05 and 0.1 percent, and a numerical value if the BAC is below 0.5%. Turning down a lawful demand for a breath test is also a criminal offense, unless a reasonable excuse to do so is given. One must make sure to not deny an officers command to perform such a test unless and until there is an absolute need.

      Hiring an Elite Beverly Hills DUI Lawyer to Defend Your DUI Charges

      Whenever you are faced with different DUI charges, the best option is to get in touch with a Beverly Hills DUI charges defense Lawyer. We have experienced attorneys who have consistently delivered favorable verdicts to clients facing different DUI charges in Beverly Hills, CA. Our investigative team will visit the site of the incident to get first-hand reports, which help us determine any inconsistencies in the prosecution’s evidence or witness depositions. Contact us today for more information.


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      24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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        Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

        Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

        How We Help our experience is your advantage
        Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

        Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
        • Impaired Driving
        • Driving Under The Influence
        • Over 80 DUI
        • Failure To Provide
        • Multiple DUI Offenses
        • Care And Control

        Beverly Hills DUI Defense Attorney

        dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

        Beverly Hills DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

        We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

        Invaluable Experience

        Drunk Driving Charges

        As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

        Over 80mg DUI Charges

        Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

        Failure To provide Charges

        As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

        Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

        Superior Knowledge

        Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

        Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

        Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

        We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

        Extreme DUI Charges

        Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


        Call For Your Free Consultation.

        how to win a DUI case

        Beating A DUI in Downey

        The Possible Process of Beating a DUI in Downey, California

        how to beat a DUI downey

        There are many severe punishments that are given to DUI offenders charged with impaired driving in Downey. in such cases, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

        The Best Way to Proceed With Beating a DUI in Downey, CA

        As per the California Vehicle Code, impaired driving or a DUI offense is a severe crime and it can be a life altering experience for those who are bound to face the consequences in case of conviction. A person who is convicted of a DUI offense is liable to go through a tough time and will have to face harsh penalties, fines, jail terms and even the revoking of ones license. Hence, getting pulled over for DUI offenses can radically alter a persons life and career in addition to all the traumatic experiences that the first time offenders have to go through.

        Therefore, it is very important for you to understand how to beat a DUI charge in this and similar circumstances. The foremost step is to get in touch with a Downey DUI lawyer who is adept with and knowledgeable of the impaired driving laws, and can thereby handle DUI cases with ease.

        Our team of highly-qualified and reliable DUI lawyers will fight your case by devising strategies in order to protect you from the consequences arising from a DUI case.

        Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Downey

        how to beat a DUI downey

        winning a DUI downey

        Types Of DUI Charges:

        Impaired Driving

        Driving Under The Influence

        Over 80 m.g. DUI

        Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

        Care and Control

        Multiple DUI Offenses

        Consequences Of A DUI:

        Criminal Record

        Serving a Jail Sentence

        Drivers License Suspension

        Payment of Fines

        Travel Restrictions

        Loss of Income


        Call Us for a free Consultation

        The Possible Process of Winning a DUI Case in Downey

        It is important that a DUI case is dealt with in the most tactful manner possible in order to beat it. Your DUI lawyer will have to determine a few important ways of beating a DUI prior to the matter going to a trial. There are several ways that can be used in order to deal with DUI cases, but first and foremost, your lawyer will need to establish some major flaws and holes in the evidence provided by the prosecutors as well as through cross examining the prosecution’s witnesses.

        The second option is to make the prosecution agree to drop criminal DUI charges in return for a plea bargain for a lesser careless driving offense. This is a great way to protect the accused from a subsequent criminal record and a conviction. It works in favor of the accused in this way. However, this is only possible when the prosecution chooses to use it as a last resort and is made to believe that there are some major flaws in their case. If, however, the prosecution does not agree to this then you will have to contest the charges by pleading not guilty. Winning a DUI case thus requires you to hire a professional defense lawyer in order to fight the case on your behalf.

        beating a DUI downey

        how to beat a DUI charge downey

        Winning a DUI by Way of Pleading Guilty in Downey

        As per the California Vehicle Code, the first DUI conviction is a misdemeanor and first time offenders have to face a lesser quantum of punishment, which can be as low as $390 in fine and a license suspension for a period of up to 6 months. In such case there is always a tendency to plead guilty to the charge and in order to avoid the prolonged litigation process. However, pleading guilty can be devastating at times. By pleading guilty, you automatically admit to a crime and hence the law that states you are innocent until proven guilty is no longer relevant for you. By pleading guilty, you are also giving up your right to a free and fair trial and will be forcing the prosecution to prove your charges beyond reasonable doubt.
        This is why it is crucial for you to get in touch with a reputable and skilled DUI lawyer who, after studying your case, will decide whether it will be practical for you to plead guilty or not. This is a decision that should never be taken exclusively by you, as it will preempt the possibility of winning a DUI at the initial stages.

        You Need a Highly Experienced DUI Lawyer For Winning a DUI in Downey

        If beating a DUI is your priority, then the first step you should take is to get in touch with our reputable DUI lawyers. Time is of the essence. In order to gather first-hand information about the incident and authenticate the facts collected by the prosecution that will be presented at trial, our top of the line attorneys will visit the site of the incident. This also helps in countering the deposition of key witnesses by the prosecution.

        Contacting our Downey DUI Lawyer for any issues arising due to impaired driving or DUI cases is the best option for you. Our team of experienced and expert lawyers who are fully aware of the many ways to beat a DUI is what you need. We have successfully defended our clients in Downey courts and have shown consistent results over the years. Call us for a free consultation and an estimate as to what your DUI lawyer cost will be.


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        24 Hours

        24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

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          Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

          Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

          How We Help our experience is your advantage
          Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

          Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
          • Impaired Driving
          • Driving Under The Influence
          • Over 80 DUI
          • Failure To Provide
          • Multiple DUI Offenses
          • Care And Control

          Downey DUI Defense Attorney

          dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

          Downey DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

          We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

          Invaluable Experience

          Drunk Driving Charges

          As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

          Over 80mg DUI Charges

          Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

          Failure To provide Charges

          As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

          Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

          Superior Knowledge

          Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

          Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

          Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

          We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

          Extreme DUI Charges

          Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


          Call For Your Free Consultation.

          dui first offense

          Getting a DUI Reduced in Commerce

          How Often Do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Commerce, CA

          how often do DUI cases get reduced commerce

          The DUI offenders charged with impaired driving have to face the severe and harsh punishments that are handed out to them in Commerce. In such cases it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable drunk driving Lawyer.

          How to Reduce DUI Charges in Commerce, California

          In Commerce and California, driving under the influence (or DUI as it is commonly referred to) is considered a very serious offense and is punishable with strict penalties. The implications arising from a DUI have severe consequences and are often a life-altering experience for most of people as they impact ones entire life. Due to the consequences and the legal implications arising out of a DUI most people wish to get their DUI case either dismissed or reduced. The only way to get a DUI reduced is for the prosecution to amend the charge with a completely new and different charge that will have much fewer consequences than a standard DUI.

          The prosecution will only agree to a lesser charge if your lawyer is able to convince the prosecution into a plea bargain. It is, therefore, necessary for you to hire the services of a top notch, reliable DUI lawyer who will pursue your case in the best manner and represent it in an extremely high-quality manner. We employ some of the best and most notable DUI lawyers in Commerce, California and we have extensive experience in dealing with DUI cases and providing relief for our clients facing DUI charges.

          How to Reduce DUI Charges in Commerce, Different Ways...

          If you are wondering about the various methods and the necessary measures you need to take in order to reduce DUI charges, then the only major thing you need to understand and do is to seek the services of a reliable and experienced DUI lawyer. A well-versed lawyer will handle the legal process of getting a DUI reduced in the best way possible. The only way a DUI charge will be reduced is if the prosecution agrees to drop charges against you and charge you with a new offense that has lesser consequences. This will be made possible if the lawyer you hire has the expertise and ability to convince the prosecution to do so by pointing out major flaws in the case.

          How to Reduce DUI Charges With a Plea Bargain in Commerce, CA

          A plea bargain is considered before the prosecution attorney presents your case during a hearing. Depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding the case, your lawyer may approach the prosecution attorney for a plea deal. A plea bargain is a negotiated settlement of your case that takes place between your DUI lawyer and the prosecution attorney. The major benefit of a plea bargain is that you will know what your sentence will be prior to you pleading guilty. The prosecution attorney will agree to a plea bargain if they feel that their case is seriously flawed and it is not possible for them to proceed with the case in court. Instead of getting the case dismissed they can charge you with a lesser charge. An experienced DUI lawyer should be able to find ways on how to reduce DUI charges via a plea bargain so that it is not necessary for you to submit to the maximum penalties for your charges.

          Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Commerce

          get DUI charges reduced commerce

          getting a DUI reduced commerce

          Types Of DUI Charges:

          Impaired Driving

          Driving Under The Influence

          Over 80 m.g. DUI

          Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

          Care and Control

          Multiple DUI Offenses

          Consequences Of A DUI:

          Criminal Record

          Serving a Jail Sentence

          Drivers License Suspension

          Payment of Fines

          Travel Restrictions

          Loss of Income


          Call Us for a free Consultation

          How to Reduce DUI Charges with the Help of a Commerce DUI Lawyer

          It will be rather difficult for you to figure out how to reduce DUI charges or convince the prosecutions attorney into a plea bargain without a professional DUI lawyer by your side. A dependable and experienced DUI lawyer will not only be able to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution attorney, but will also shield you from the consequences of a DUI charge.

          what can a DUI be reduced to commerce

          how to reduce DUI charges commerce

          How Often do DUI Cases Get Reduced in Commerce and What Can a DUI be Reduced to?

          In case you are wondering how often DUI cases get reduced in Commerce, the answer is that DUI charges get reduced quite often depending on the strength and validity of the DUI defense strategies used by the DUI lawyer representing the request. Every case is unique and is totally different from the other. However, there are usually various flaws in a DUI case which an experienced lawyer can point out to the prosecution attorney who will then agree to negotiate a plea deal to reduce the charges to a less severe charge. On the other hand, a large number of people do not know the extent that a DUI can be reduced to.

          A DUI can be reduced to anything with less serious consequences such as a wet reckless under the California Vehicle Code Section VC 23103 and 23103.5 that is usually the foremost level of DUI reduction that a prosecution attorney will consider. A wet reckless is defined as a reckless driving conviction with a specification that alcohol was involved in the arrest. With a careless driving charge, which is a lesser charge you will face lesser consequences and will not have a subsequent criminal record. Apart from the wet reckless charge there is dry reckless under Vehicle Code 23103 VC, exhibition of speed under Vehicle Code 23109(c) VC and consuming alcoholic beverages in a vehicle under Vehicle Code 23221 VC that can be used as a plea bargain.

          Get DUI Charges Reduced With the Help of a Commerce DUI Lawyer

          Having an experienced and dedicated DUI lawyer by your side in DUI cases proves highly beneficial. Your lawyer will advocate and negotiate for a plea deal with the prosecution to get your DUI charges reduced to a lesser charge. We offer reputable Commerce DUI lawyers in Commerce, California who specialize in DUI offenses. Our utmost goal is to protect you from any consequences arising from of a DUI and we make sure that the best defense to get you out of any criminal charges is put forth.


          Call Us for a free Consultation

          Call Us Now talking is FREE!

          Call For A Free Consultation

          24 Hours

          24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

          Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

            Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

            Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

            How We Help our experience is your advantage
            Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

            Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
            • Impaired Driving
            • Driving Under The Influence
            • Over 80 DUI
            • Failure To Provide
            • Multiple DUI Offenses
            • Care And Control

            Commerce DUI Defense Attorney

            dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

            Commerce DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

            We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

            Invaluable Experience

            Drunk Driving Charges

            As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

            Over 80mg DUI Charges

            Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

            Failure To provide Charges

            As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

            Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

            Superior Knowledge

            Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

            Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

            Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

            We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

            Extreme DUI Charges

            Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


            Call For Your Free Consultation.

            impaired care and control

            Paramount Care and Control Defense

            Defending Against A Care and Control Charge in Paramount

            care and control paramount

            DUI offenders charged with impaired driving face severe and harsh punishments in Paramount. In such cases, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

            As per section 23152 of the California Vehicle Code; everyone commits an offense who operates a motor vehicle or vessel or operates or assists in the operation of an aircraft or of railway equipment or has the care and control of a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment, whether it is in motion or not; while the person’s ability to operate the vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment is impaired by alcohol or by a drug or having consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the concentration in the person’s blood exceeds eighty milligrams of alcohol in one hundred milliliters of blood.

            If you are facing a care and control charge, it is necessary for you to hire a reputable DUI lawyer who will fight to protect you from punishment arising from the case. Our firm offers you reliable DUI lawyers in Paramount who specialize in dealing with DUI offenses and who will strive to protect you from a conviction in an impaired care and control case.

            What Constitutes A Care and Control Over 80 mg DUI Charge in Paramount, CA

            In order to constitute a DUI offense as well as for you to be convicted of a DUI, you do not have to actually be driving a vehicle when you’re impaired by alcohol or drugs. Whether the engine of the vehicle is running or not, if you are able to set the vehicle in motion, it is enough to put you in a situation when you can be convicted of a DUI. The reason for this is that you have the ability to be in care and control of the vehicle and, csonequently, it will be presumed that you did so while your ability was impaired.

            How to Avoid a Paramount Care and Control Charge Legally?

            If you have been found drunk while sitting in the drivers seat of a vehicle, you will be attracting far more charges than when you are sitting in any other position of the vehicle. After investigation, the police will conclude that you were in impaired care and control of a moving vehicle and will argue the case based on the fact that you were fully capable of setting the vehicle in motion, unless there is evidence to show otherwise. The burden will then be upon you to refute this and convince the court that you had no intention or capability to set the vehicle in motion. In such a case, it is always advisable to stay out of the vehicle or hire a sober driver. By doing so you will be sure to avoid a care and control charge.

            Getting in Touch With A Reliable Paramount DUI Lawyer To Fight Your Care and Control Charge

            After assessing your case and preparing it thoroughly for representation in court, our lawyer will be able to mobilize the various ways to avoid the care and control charge. A high-quality and experienced DUI lawyer will fight to convince the court that you had no intention or capability to set the vehicle in motion.

            Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Paramount

            care and control criminal code paramount

            impaired care and control paramount

            Types Of DUI Charges:

            Impaired Driving

            Driving Under The Influence

            Over 80 m.g. DUI

            Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

            Care and Control

            Multiple DUI Offenses

            Consequences Of A DUI:

            Criminal Record

            Serving a Jail Sentence

            Drivers License Suspension

            Payment of Fines

            Travel Restrictions

            Loss of Income


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            Paramount Laws Regarding Care and Control Over 80mg and Impaired Care and Control Charges

            As per Section 23152(e) and Section 23152(f) of the California Vehicle Code, you are said to be committing a DUI offense and being in care and control of a motor vehicle while you are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or driving while being influenced by a combination of both. Impaired care and control does not necessarily mean driving a vehicle. In fact, a police officer can prosecute you if he has concrete reasons to form an opinion that your ability is impaired due to the influence of alcohol or any other drug irrespective of whether you were sitting on the driver’s seat or the other seats, even if the vehicle is not in motion.

            Section 23152(b) of the California Vehicle Code explains and defines Over 80 as an extreme offense. As per this section, it is an offense to operate or be in care and control of a motor vehicle with over 80 mg of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood. Getting charged with care and control over 80 mg means, that you were in care and control of a motor vehicle and your blood alcohol concentration being more than 0.08 which is a criminal offense and has very serious consequences.

            care and control over 80 mg paramount

            care and control charge paramount

            Breaking the Paramount Care and Control Criminal Code and Its Consequences

            The care and control criminal code consequences are very serious in Paramount and California. Notably, as per the California Vehicle code DUI offenses are considered as a crime and its consequences are very serious with suspension of license, a treatment or education program, fine or probable jail time and most of all, a criminal record. A good DUI lawyer is your only option to protect you from a DUI conviction. We offer you one of the most reputable DUI lawyers in Paramount, California and can provide you protection from a DUI conviction and its consequences. We always make it our duty to provide the best services and guidance in DUI cases to all Paramount clients.


            Call Us for a free Consultation

            Call Us Now talking is FREE!

            Call For A Free Consultation

            24 Hours

            24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

            Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

              Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

              Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

              How We Help our experience is your advantage
              Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

              Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
              • Impaired Driving
              • Driving Under The Influence
              • Over 80 DUI
              • Failure To Provide
              • Multiple DUI Offenses
              • Care And Control

              Paramount DUI Defense Attorney

              dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

              Paramount DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

              We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

              Invaluable Experience

              Drunk Driving Charges

              As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

              Over 80mg DUI Charges

              Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

              Failure To provide Charges

              As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

              Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

              Superior Knowledge

              Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

              Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

              Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

              We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

              Extreme DUI Charges

              Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


              Call For Your Free Consultation.

              third DUI offense

              Sierra Madre Third DUI Offense

              Defending Against a 3rd DUI Offense in Sierra Madre, California

              3rd DUI offense sierra madre

              The laws concerning DUI offenses in California have some of the harshest punishments for Sierra Madre DUI offenders. Those who are charged with impaired driving should get in touch with a reputed and experienced DUI Lawyer as soon as possible. DUI Lawyer.

              What To Do When Charged With a 3rd DUI Offense in Sierra Madre, CA

              Driving under the influence offenses are considered to be one of the most serious crimes as per the Criminal Code throughout the United States. A conviction in first DUI offense is followed by severe punishments and penalties and in a third DUI offense they may get even stricter. They may include jail time that may extend up to a period of one year as one of its consequences in addition to leaving you with a criminal record that may scar the rest of your life. The law imposes heavy penalties on any DUI offense in Sierra Madre and the penalties keep on increasing with every subsequent offense.

              A third DUI offense in Sierra Madre, California is likely to have severe repercussions and it can be an extremely difficult situation to get out of because the prosecutors and the police will try their best in order to prove to the court that you are a danger to the society. Hiring an experienced and reputable DUI lawyer in order to build a case to prevent a conviction in this case is the only reasonable decision for you to make. We employ the most renowned DUI defense lawyers in Sierra Madre, CA who explore all possibilities when fighting for your protection against a DUI conviction. We strive to defend and fight for your case in the best way possible.

              A 3rd DUI Offense in Sierra Madre, CA and the Consequences

              The consequences of a DUI charge conviction vary from case to case depending on the facts and the criminal background, if any, of the individual apart from other personal circumstances. A DUI offense attracts a lot of serious penalties and the consequences in the case of a conviction are life altering. With every subsequent DUI offense the penalties and consequences keep getting more intense. In case of a 3rd DUI offense things can get uglier as it can have some severe legal implications which may be tough to defend and avoid.

              What are the Penalties for a 3rd DUI Offense in Sierra Madre, CA?

              A DUI offense is considered a very serious crime and the penalties that it leads to are much more severe and, in addition, they also increase with every subsequent offense. A 3rd DUI offense attracts some really severe consequences which may be life-altering for a person. The penalties may include:

              • A license suspension for a period of 3 years to 10 years.
              • A fine of $2500+ and which may be higher as per the judge’s discretion.
              • Minimum one hundred and twenty days of jail time and it may go up to one year.
              • Installation of ignition interlock device for a period that may go up to 3 years if the license is restored.
              • 18 month alcohol program.
              • Morgue Program.
              • MADD Program.
              • Community Service.
              • Probation for a period of 3 to 5 years.

              If you are facing 3rd DUI offense charges, then it is going to be a tough fight for you. In this case you will have to defend yourself from the legal implications that may follow if convicted with a DUI offense for the third time.

              Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Sierra Madre

              third DUI offense sierra madre

              3rd offense DUI sierra madre

              Types Of DUI Charges:

              Impaired Driving

              Driving Under The Influence

              Over 80 m.g. DUI

              Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

              Care and Control

              Multiple DUI Offenses

              Consequences Of A DUI:

              Criminal Record

              Serving a Jail Sentence

              Drivers License Suspension

              Payment of Fines

              Travel Restrictions

              Loss of Income


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              Financial Consequences of a 3rd DUI Offense in Sierra Madre, California

              A DUI offense conviction may leave you in a very tight financial position, and if its your 3rd DUI offense then you may probably end up going bankrupt or even in debt. It is hard to estimate the exact amount of fine that a judge will impose in the case of a 3rd DUI offense but in most cases the fine ranges from $5,000 to $50,000 or even more. With these charges, you may end up in a financial debt that may take you years to overcome.

              3rd degree DUI sierra madre

              3 duis sierra madre

              What Are my Options If Charged with a 3rd degree DUI In Sierra Madre?

              In the case of a 3rd degree DUI, there are only two options that you have: pleading guilty or pleading not guilty. In the case of a 3rd degree DUI, pleading guilty will attract much harsher penalties, but pleading not guilty may result in a lighter sentence. Apart from this, there are alternatives to punishments, such as jail time, but these alternatives would depend from case to case and from court to court. For example, one judge may readily agree to put you on house arrest in your third time DUI offense and another would not. In order to qualify for house arrest, your DUI lawyer will have to know the judge and your lawyer must know how to move the case if required from one court to another. When there is a situation of 3 DUIs, it is advisable to hire a quality DUI lawyer in Sierra Madre, California because these crimes are dealt with in the strictest manner. As experienced Sierra Madre DUI lawyers, we are your best option. We strive to protect you against all legal complications arising out of a DUI charge. It is our endeavor to get you out of trouble under all circumstances.

              Hire An Experienced DUI Lawyer If You Are Dealing With a 3rd Offense DUI in Sierra Madre


              Call Us for a free Consultation

              Call Us Now talking is FREE!

              Call For A Free Consultation

              24 Hours

              24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

              Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                How We Help our experience is your advantage
                Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                • Impaired Driving
                • Driving Under The Influence
                • Over 80 DUI
                • Failure To Provide
                • Multiple DUI Offenses
                • Care And Control

                Sierra Madre DUI Defense Attorney

                dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                Sierra Madre DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                Invaluable Experience

                Drunk Driving Charges

                As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                Over 80mg DUI Charges

                Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                Failure To provide Charges

                As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                Superior Knowledge

                Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                Extreme DUI Charges

                Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


                Call For Your Free Consultation.

                dui first offense

                Santa Monica First Offense DUI

                The Penalties of a DUI First Offense in Santa Monica, California

                dui first offense santa monica

                Because of the severity of the punishments that Santa Monica DUI offenders charged with impaired driving have to face, it is best to get in touch with an experienced and highly reliable DUI Lawyer as quickly as possible to start building a case for you.

                Santa Monica DUI First offense – What It Means For You

                The term DUI refers to driving under the influence. Under the Criminal Code, the most frequently used term for the crime is impaired driving. The criminal laws concerning DUI convictions are quite strict in California and lead to various types of consequences, including fines, jail terms, and/or license suspension. Regardless of the fact of whether it is your first time DUI or whether you have been arrested again under the same circumstances, you are going to face harsh punishments if you do not have someone there to properly defend you. Our team of lawyers can be there for you, to defend you zealously. Even though the sentencing is less harsh for a DUI first offense, it can still have a traumatic effect on any first time DUI offender.

                Moreover, a punishment under criminal charges can have a great effect in the long run on careers and in some cases even affect immigration possibilities. In light of the said scenario, it is highly advisable to hire the services of a reliable and reputable Santa Monica DUI Lawyer. We are the leading lawyers known for contesting DUI cases in Santa Monica, CA and have consistently been successful in such and similar cases on behalf of all our clients. If you’ve been charged with a DUI you need to get in touch with us so that we can fight for your rights in the court of law.

                First Offense DUI Arrest Legal Grounds in Santa Monica, CA

                According to the Criminal laws in the United States, impaired driving is a state where a person operates or controls a motor vehicle while their ability to do so is impaired. It is the result of excessive intake of alcohol or any substance use. Another related offense that is parallel is driving with Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) that exceeds 80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood which works out to 0.08.

                A higher BAC is punishable under multiple offenses as per the Criminal Code in the United States. There are lighter sentences in a first offense DUI however the harm that has been caused by the impaired driving of an offender also matters a lot. Physical harm caused by impaired driving carries greater levels of punishment even for a first DUI offense.

                Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Santa Monica

                first time DUI santa monica

                first DUI offense santa monica

                Types Of DUI Charges:

                Impaired Driving

                Driving Under The Influence

                Over 80 m.g. DUI

                Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                Care and Control

                Multiple DUI Offenses

                Consequences Of A DUI:

                Criminal Record

                Serving a Jail Sentence

                Drivers License Suspension

                Payment of Fines

                Travel Restrictions

                Loss of Income


                Call Us for a free Consultation

                State Administrative Consequences of a First DUI Offense in Santa Monica, CA

                The level and quantity of BAC are what determines the grounds for impaired driving charges. For example, drivers who are less than 21 years old should not have any BAC level and there is a Zero Tolerance Law in California against such offenders. If you are a first time DUI offender, regardless of the BAC level, you will have your license suspended for 1 year, face criminal charges, may have to go to DUI School and end up paying hundreds of dollars in fines.

                In case of offenders who are more than 21 years old there are harsher punishments and an offender may have to face immediate license suspension for at least 4 months, go to jail for 6 months or more, pay thousands of dollars in fines, installation of interlock device, and enter a DUI program.

                first offense DUI santa monica

                1st offense DUI santa monica

                The Consequences of First Time DUI in Santa Monica, California

                Any person who is convicted of drunk driving in Santa Monica faces a lot of penalties such as an Admin Per Se license suspension, Criminal license suspension, Jail time or community service, fines, installation of an Ignition Interlock Device, DUI school and SR-22 filing among others. The minimum sentences for a first time DUI offender accused in Santa Monica, California are:


                • Immediate license suspension as per the State’s Admin Per Se policy for at least 4 months.
                • Up to 6 months in jail.
                • Up to $1,000 in fines apart from the additional penalty fines and legal fees.
                • $125 fee for license reissue.
                • Installation of an ignition interlock device.
                • DUI program the duration of which varies depending on factors like your BAC at the time of arrest.
                • SR-22 filing.

                Three Strikes Law in Santa Monica, CA and other penalties for a 1ST Offense DUI

                The Three Strikes Law delivers sentences to those who commit multiple offenses and especially upon the “third strike” the offender is punished with a life sentence with a possibility of parole only after 25 years. In Santa Monica, 1st offense DUI accused and any subsequent offenders can be subject to prohibitions under the law and a driver’s license suspension under state law.

                Other DUI penalties such as installation of an ignition interlock device are also present. A small device will be installed to your vehicle’s ignition that would require a breath sample before the vehicle can be started and during the operation of the vehicle. Apart from this the SR-22 filing that requires you to file proof of financial responsibility in order to get driving privileges back is also there.

                Due to the severe and harsh punishments even on first time DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is highly recommended for you to contact an experienced and highly reputable DUI Lawyer in Santa Monica who will develop an optimized defence strategy on your behalf so that you get proper representation in the court of law. Based upon technical grounds and data collected firsthand from the scene of the incident we have successfully contested DUI cases for all our clients. Call us to get more information on our outstanding services.


                Call Us for a free Consultation

                Call Us Now talking is FREE!

                Call For A Free Consultation

                24 Hours

                24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

                Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                  Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                  Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                  How We Help our experience is your advantage
                  Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                  Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                  • Impaired Driving
                  • Driving Under The Influence
                  • Over 80 DUI
                  • Failure To Provide
                  • Multiple DUI Offenses
                  • Care And Control

                  Santa Monica DUI Defense Attorney

                  dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                  Santa Monica DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                  We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                  Invaluable Experience

                  Drunk Driving Charges

                  As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                  Over 80mg DUI Charges

                  Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                  Failure To provide Charges

                  As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                  Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                  Superior Knowledge

                  Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                  Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                  Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                  We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                  Extreme DUI Charges

                  Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


                  Call For Your Free Consultation.

                  dui punishment

                  Diamond Bar DUI Penalties and Fines

                  Defend Against Penalties and DUI Fines in Diamond Bar, California

                  dui penalties diamond bar

                  The law in the state of California is very strict when it comes to DUI offenses, due to the severity of such offenses. Because of the harshness of these punishments that are handed out to Diamond Bar DUI offenders charged with impaired driving, it is always a good idea to get in touch with an experienced and reliable drunk driving lawyer.

                  DUI Fines and Penalties under the Law in Diamond Bar

                  Diamond Bar law considers DUI as a criminal offense and the DUI law lays down several severe punishments and penalties. If convicted, one may face some serious punishments which include hefty fines, suspension of license, getting installation of an ignition interlock device, spending time in jail and ending up with a criminal record. The severity of these offenses depends upon the number of instances a person has been convicted for a DUI offense. For the first time offenders, penalties include fine up to $1000, up to six months in jail, license suspension for six months which may be even more, three year probation period and having an ignition interlock device installed for up to five months.

                  A second DUI conviction will attract much harsher punishment that may include, up to $1000 in fines plus penalty assessments, one year jail sentence, license suspension for two years, three years of informal probation, installation of ignition interlock device for a period of 12 months. For every third and consecutive DUI conviction one may get up to $1000 fine plus penalty assessments, license suspension for a period of three years, jail term of up to one year, up to five years of probation and installation of ignition interlock device for two years as punishment.

                  Our teams of experienced DUI attorneys at Diamond Bar DUI Lawyer who are based in Diamond Bar, California contest DUI charges on highly technical grounds. Our defense is largely based on the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses and on police violations under the federal Constitution. In most cases, we ensure that the extent of DUI sentencing or DUI punishment is lessened or, in many cases, dismissed for lack of evidence.

                  Types of Prosecutions Under DUI Sentences in Diamond Bar, California

                  DUI offenses are deemed to be federal criminal law offenses and the prosecutors have the option to prosecute in either of the following two ways; by indictment or summary conviction. The offenses committed under DUI law are similar to a misdemeanor. Before the prosecutors decide about which is most appropriate manner to choose in order to be used in your case, the DUI still stands the chance to be prosecuted by indictment.
                  However, most of the DUI offenses in Diamond Bar are considered misdemeanors, and therefore have resultant DUI consequences.

                  Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Diamond Bar

                  dui punishment diamond bar

                  dui sentences diamond bar

                  Types Of DUI Charges:

                  Impaired Driving

                  Driving Under The Influence

                  Over 80 m.g. DUI

                  Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                  Care and Control

                  Multiple DUI Offenses

                  Consequences Of A DUI:

                  Criminal Record

                  Serving a Jail Sentence

                  Drivers License Suspension

                  Payment of Fines

                  Travel Restrictions

                  Loss of Income


                  Call Us for a free Consultation

                  The Quantum of DUI Sentencing in Diamond Bar, California

                  Any person convicted of a DUI offense including a refusal to comply offense in Diamond Bar automatically faces a driving prohibition applicable throughout California and either a fine or jail term, or both and a likelihood of probation.
                  The minimum DUI punishment for a DUI charge is:

                  • For a first offense; up to 3 years of probation, license suspension for 6 months, jail for a period of up to 6 months and a fine that may go up of $1000.
                  • For a second offense; up to 3 years of probation, license suspension for 24 months, fine of up to $1000 plus penalty assessments and a one year jail sentence.
                  • For a third or subsequent offense; up to five years of probation, license suspension for three years, fine that may go up to $1000 plus penalty assessments and a 120 days jail sentence that may go up to one year.

                  Drinking and driving offenses are prior offenses for refuse to comply offenses and vice versa.

                  dui sentencing diamond bar

                  dui fines diamond bar

                  DUI Punishment in Diamond Bar for Causing Death or Bodily Harm

                  In case you injure someone in a DUI accident you will be facing stricter penalties. Injury DUIs can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. If charged as a felony, a DUI offense with an injury involved can result in a prison sentence which may go up to 4 years with fines of up to $5000. DUI cases involving fatalities are the ones where you will be charged for vehicular manslaughter or murder laws of the state. The penalties of such offenses vary greatly. The extent of DUI sentencing depends on a number of factors:

                  • In case no one is killed or hurt, the maximum sentence is 4 years of jail time.
                  • If there is a death and the prosecutor has opted for pressing second degree murder charges, the maximum sentence is 15 years to lifetime of jail.
                  • For a misdemeanor negligent manslaughter while intoxicated the maximum DUI sentencing is one year of jail time.

                  The Difference Between Federal and State Laws on DUI Fines in Diamond Bar

                  In California, for a DUI offense, the accused may face DUI fines and penalties both under federal law (criminal law) and a suspension of a license under provincial law.
                  Often, the provincial suspensions are seen to be more stringent than criminal prohibitions. The Law demands that the accused go through a remedial program and take part in the ignition interlock program. Refusing to comply may result in further penalties that may be harsher. For example in Diamond Bar and all of California, the suspension of a license may range from 1 year for a first offense to five year suspension for third offense or more.

                  What to Expect From an Experienced Diamond Bar DUI Lawyer When Faced with a DUI Sentencing

                  The quantum of fines and penalties depend on the nature of convictions in every DUI offense. We at Diamond Bar DUI Lawyer ensure that you get the best possible defense for your DUI case. Our lawyers will often visit the site of the incident to get first-hand information to build the foundation of your case. We take all necessary steps to effectively cross-examine the prosecution’s witnesses and to challenge any other evidence that they put forward.

                  To know more about the DUI penalties and fines in Diamond Bar, CA give us a call now!


                  Call Us for a free Consultation

                  Call Us Now talking is FREE!

                  Call For A Free Consultation

                  24 Hours

                  24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

                  Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                    Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                    Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                    How We Help our experience is your advantage
                    Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                    Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                    • Impaired Driving
                    • Driving Under The Influence
                    • Over 80 DUI
                    • Failure To Provide
                    • Multiple DUI Offenses
                    • Care And Control

                    Diamond Bar DUI Defense Attorney

                    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                    Diamond Bar DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                    Invaluable Experience

                    Drunk Driving Charges

                    As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                    Over 80mg DUI Charges

                    Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                    Failure To provide Charges

                    As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                    Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                    Superior Knowledge

                    Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                    Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                    We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                    Extreme DUI Charges

                    Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


                    Call For Your Free Consultation.

                    third DUI offense

                    El Segundo Third DUI Offense

                    Defending Against a 3rd DUI Offense in El Segundo, California

                    3rd DUI offense el segundo

                    The laws concerning DUI offenses in California have some of the harshest punishments for El Segundo DUI offenders. Those who are charged with impaired driving should get in touch with a reputed and experienced DUI Lawyer as soon as possible. DUI Lawyer.

                    What To Do When Charged With a 3rd DUI Offense in El Segundo, CA

                    Driving under the influence offenses are considered to be one of the most serious crimes as per the Criminal Code throughout the United States. A conviction in first DUI offense is followed by severe punishments and penalties and in a third DUI offense they may get even stricter. They may include jail time that may extend up to a period of one year as one of its consequences in addition to leaving you with a criminal record that may scar the rest of your life. The law imposes heavy penalties on any DUI offense in El Segundo and the penalties keep on increasing with every subsequent offense.

                    A third DUI offense in El Segundo, California is likely to have severe repercussions and it can be an extremely difficult situation to get out of because the prosecutors and the police will try their best in order to prove to the court that you are a danger to the society. Hiring an experienced and reputable DUI lawyer in order to build a case to prevent a conviction in this case is the only reasonable decision for you to make. We employ the most renowned DUI defense lawyers in El Segundo, CA who explore all possibilities when fighting for your protection against a DUI conviction. We strive to defend and fight for your case in the best way possible.

                    A 3rd DUI Offense in El Segundo, CA and the Consequences

                    The consequences of a DUI charge conviction vary from case to case depending on the facts and the criminal background, if any, of the individual apart from other personal circumstances. A DUI offense attracts a lot of serious penalties and the consequences in the case of a conviction are life altering. With every subsequent DUI offense the penalties and consequences keep getting more intense. In case of a 3rd DUI offense things can get uglier as it can have some severe legal implications which may be tough to defend and avoid.

                    What are the Penalties for a 3rd DUI Offense in El Segundo, CA?

                    A DUI offense is considered a very serious crime and the penalties that it leads to are much more severe and, in addition, they also increase with every subsequent offense. A 3rd DUI offense attracts some really severe consequences which may be life-altering for a person. The penalties may include:

                    • A license suspension for a period of 3 years to 10 years.
                    • A fine of $2500+ and which may be higher as per the judge’s discretion.
                    • Minimum one hundred and twenty days of jail time and it may go up to one year.
                    • Installation of ignition interlock device for a period that may go up to 3 years if the license is restored.
                    • 18 month alcohol program.
                    • Morgue Program.
                    • MADD Program.
                    • Community Service.
                    • Probation for a period of 3 to 5 years.

                    If you are facing 3rd DUI offense charges, then it is going to be a tough fight for you. In this case you will have to defend yourself from the legal implications that may follow if convicted with a DUI offense for the third time.

                    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in El Segundo

                    third DUI offense el segundo

                    3rd offense DUI el segundo

                    Types Of DUI Charges:

                    Impaired Driving

                    Driving Under The Influence

                    Over 80 m.g. DUI

                    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

                    Care and Control

                    Multiple DUI Offenses

                    Consequences Of A DUI:

                    Criminal Record

                    Serving a Jail Sentence

                    Drivers License Suspension

                    Payment of Fines

                    Travel Restrictions

                    Loss of Income


                    Call Us for a free Consultation

                    Financial Consequences of a 3rd DUI Offense in El Segundo, California

                    A DUI offense conviction may leave you in a very tight financial position, and if its your 3rd DUI offense then you may probably end up going bankrupt or even in debt. It is hard to estimate the exact amount of fine that a judge will impose in the case of a 3rd DUI offense but in most cases the fine ranges from $5,000 to $50,000 or even more. With these charges, you may end up in a financial debt that may take you years to overcome.

                    3rd degree DUI el segundo

                    3 duis el segundo

                    What Are my Options If Charged with a 3rd degree DUI In El Segundo?

                    In the case of a 3rd degree DUI, there are only two options that you have: pleading guilty or pleading not guilty. In the case of a 3rd degree DUI, pleading guilty will attract much harsher penalties, but pleading not guilty may result in a lighter sentence. Apart from this, there are alternatives to punishments, such as jail time, but these alternatives would depend from case to case and from court to court. For example, one judge may readily agree to put you on house arrest in your third time DUI offense and another would not. In order to qualify for house arrest, your DUI lawyer will have to know the judge and your lawyer must know how to move the case if required from one court to another. When there is a situation of 3 DUIs, it is advisable to hire a quality DUI lawyer in El Segundo, California because these crimes are dealt with in the strictest manner. As experienced El Segundo DUI lawyers, we are your best option. We strive to protect you against all legal complications arising out of a DUI charge. It is our endeavor to get you out of trouble under all circumstances.

                    Hire An Experienced DUI Lawyer If You Are Dealing With a 3rd Offense DUI in El Segundo


                    Call Us for a free Consultation

                    Call Us Now talking is FREE!

                    Call For A Free Consultation

                    24 Hours

                    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

                    Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

                      Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

                      Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

                      How We Help our experience is your advantage
                      Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

                      Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
                      • Impaired Driving
                      • Driving Under The Influence
                      • Over 80 DUI
                      • Failure To Provide
                      • Multiple DUI Offenses
                      • Care And Control

                      El Segundo DUI Defense Attorney

                      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

                      El Segundo DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

                      We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

                      Invaluable Experience

                      Drunk Driving Charges

                      As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

                      Over 80mg DUI Charges

                      Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

                      Failure To provide Charges

                      As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

                      Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

                      Superior Knowledge

                      Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

                      Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

                      Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

                      We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

                      Extreme DUI Charges

                      Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


                      Call For Your Free Consultation.

                      Call Now