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expunge a dui

West Covina DUI Expungement Service

Expunge a DUI in the City of West Covina, California

dui expungement west covina

West Covina has severe punishments for those charged with a DUI. For this reason, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

Exactly How to Legally Expunge a DUI in West Covina, CA

The California Vehicle Code is really strict when it comes to DUI offenses in West Covina, California and the penalties in such cases are strict and often life altering. The last thing one could wish for is getting arrested or having a criminal conviction record. Having to face the criminal justice system is more than enough to turn things around for you irrespective of whether you served a jail term or you were lucky to escape conviction. Getting a criminal record expunged in California is authorized by Penal Code 1203.4 PC and if you manage to get one you will be released from the several negative effects of a California DUI conviction that includes adverse employment consequences.

If you have a criminal record, you will find that things get a bit harder for you in your life. For instance, you may never be able to find quality employment, rent a home, or get financed by a bank for a future purchase of property. West Covina DUI lawyer understands the importance of clearing a criminal record and we specialize in DUI expungement. Our top goal is to remove the stigma associated with a criminal record arising out of a DUI offense in West Covina, California.

What Is Required To Expunge a DUI Record in West Covina, California?

Most drivers on probation for DUI or convicted of it in West Covina have a common misconception that their criminal records will remain there forever to haunt them for the rest of their lives. This is usually not the case. There are several kinds of post-conviction reliefs that are available with which the consequences of drunk driving related criminal records can either be eliminated or reduced; this is what is referred to as a DUI expungment. With the help of an expert DUI lawyer in West Covina, you can have your case assessed so as to determine ways in which we can expunge a DUI record on your behalf.
It may be noted that when someone completes probation for a DUI offense in West Covina, he or she may file a petition in the court of law to get the record of conviction expunged. After reviewing, a judge will then determine whether the said person is eligible for an expungement or not.

If the judge grants the petition, then either:

The person withdraws his/her plea of guilty or “nolo contendere” (no contest) and re-enters a “not guilty” plea, or if the person was found guilty after a jury trial or a bench trial, the judge sets aside the verdict.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in West Covina

dui records west covina

drink driving criminal record west covina

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offenses

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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Legal Factors in West Covina That Determine Our Ability to Expunge a DUI

Under the law, there are certain factors that determine whether a conviction can be expunged or not. A few factors that are taken into consideration are whether you were a juvenile or an adult at the time of conviction, whether the conviction was for a felony or a misdemeanor, whether you were granted probation, and whether a term in prison was mandated or not.

A reliable, reputable, and knowledgeable DUI lawyer will be in a better position to determine the way to expunge a DUI. Only a skilled, experienced lawyer will be able to determine, in depth, whether the conviction against you can be expunged or not.
Expungement is available to any person convicted of either a California misdemeanor or a felony provided that the person successfully completed probation for the offense, and the person either:

Did not serve time for the offense in state prison, or
Served time in state prison, but would have served it in county jail following the implementation of “realignment” under Proposition 47.

If the petition to expunge a DUI is granted, you will be allowed to withdraw the previous plea of guilty or no contest and submit a plea of not guilty. Once the expungement is granted, the Department of Justice will be notified by the court and you will receive the full benefits of the dismissal. However, there are some cases where you cannot get a DUI expunged. For instance, if you are currently serving a sentence for another crime, have a pending criminal charge or have a warrant of arrest against you, you wont be able to get a DUI expunged.

expunge a DUI west covina

dui expunged west covina

Expunge a DUI With the Help of Our West Covina DUI Lawyer

A talented criminal defense lawyer in West Covina will be able to assess the case properly and determine if it can be expunged or not. It is not possible to expunge a DUI in every situation, but as successful DUI lawyers, we will be able to achieve post-conviction relief oftentimes.

Get Your West Covina DUI Records and Drunk Driving Criminal Record Expunged

Getting your drunk driving criminal record and DUI records expunged can provide abundant benefits in the future. However, this will only be possible if your lawyer assesses and determines your case to be fit for expungement. In order to get a DUI expungement you may also be required not to commit any further offenses and meet the other eligibility requirements which a knowledgeable and reliable lawyer will explain to you when assessing your case. We are a very well-known DUI law firm in West Covina courts, and we can help you with getting your drunk driving criminal record and DUI records expunged after a thorough assessment of your case.

How High Are The Chances of Getting DUI Expunged in West Covina, California?

The chances of getting a DUI expunged are high. However, it may be noted that not all cases of DUI can be expunged. In some cases, post-conviction relief can be achieved with the help of a reputable DUI lawyer. An experienced and well-known DUI Lawyer who has the knowledge and skill in obtaining post-conviction relief will evaluate and determine whether your case is a good fit. Then, the lawyer can determine whether there is a chance of getting your DUI expunged. Contact us today if you wish to take the first step toward potentially ridding yourself of your criminal record that has arisen out of a DUI offense.


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    Matthew Cohen dedicated to your rights

    Matthew Cohen is a top-rated defense attorney specializing in DUI and criminal defense cases in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in New York, and his law degree from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. During his tenure as a DUI defense lawyer, Matthew has represented thousands of defendants, where he has cultivated solid relationships with prosecutors and judges alike. When you hire Matthew Cohen to represent you, he will stand by your side every step of the way and help guide your case to a reasonable resolution as quickly as possible.

    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    Our initial in-person consultations are absolutely FREE and allow us to discuss your legal matter in a professional manner. The consultation will be a personal meeting with a veteran DUI lawyer, and not an accomplice. This is an extremely stressful time in accused’s life and therefore we do not place any time restrictions on the meeting. Our expertise ranges from a range of different criminal litigation with an extreme focus on impaired driving offenses. When visiting our offices we will take some time to read through your disclosure and evaluate your case. This can take some time but it is very important for us to thoroughly review your criminal matter in an appropriate setting.

    Areas Of Expertise what we excel at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offenses
    • Care And Control

    West Covina DUI Defense Attorney

    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

    West Covina DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Invaluable Experience

    Drunk Driving Charges

    As competent drunk driving attorneys, we are effective at collecting valuable evidence which will protect you against drunk driving charges.

    Over 80mg DUI Charges

    Utilizing detailed investigation strategies, we have reliably demonstrated ideal outcomes while guarding our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges.

    Failure To provide Charges

    As DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding and protecting your human rights to keep you clear from any consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Our Office Hours Mon. – Fri.

    Superior Knowledge

    Impaired By Drugs DUI Charges

    Our impaired driving lawyers are experienced at collecting evidence which allows us to provide our clients with a secure defense at trial.

    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

    We investigate all outcomes while safeguarding our clients from multiple DUI offenses and we will fight your case in the most ideal way possible.

    Extreme DUI Charges

    Our trustworthy DUI attorneys ensure that you receive the best possible legal protection against extreme DUI charges in Los Angeles, CA.


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