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Legal Office Issues Advisory Regarding Drunk Driving DUI Offences

Legal Office Issues Advisory Regarding Drunk Driving DUI Offences

California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is taking measures to raise awareness among local drivers of their rights as well as the consequences they may face if they are charged with a DUI offense. Given that recent years have seen an increase in the number of convictions for various types of DUI charges in the city, the firm hopes to alleviate the issues that drivers have to endure if they are charged with drunk driving. Learn more here: Legal Advice for Drivers.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyer observes that the increase in DUI convictions has contributed to DUI charges becoming the largest single offense in the state. Drivers should also be aware that drinking and driving cases are far more likely to be sent to trial than any other criminal offense, both for California’s strict stance on the subject as well for the fact that such cases are often contested on highly technical grounds that pertain to police misconduct during the DUI process. Should the arresting officer have made any errors or overstepped their authority, a competent legal team can build a case that ultimately exonerates their client.


The legal office notes, however, that a full exoneration is not the only possible avenue that clients should seek or expect from their lawyer. In many cases, the severity of the punishment a client receives can be greatly reduced, allowing them to return to their lives without legal repercussions earlier than they otherwise would have been able to. This can be represented in shorter sentences, smaller fines, and so on. As such, Los Angeles DUI Lawyer firmly advises any and all drivers charged with a DUI offense of any kind to get in touch with an experienced DUI lawyer (who specializes in the field) as soon as possible. Learn more at the following link: Charged with A DUI Los Angeles.


The legal team at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer boast more than 30 years of successful cases where they have defended clients from all manner of DUI related charges. As they proudly state, “our experienced team of DUI alcohol or DUID drugs defense lawyers, serving clients throughout Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, San Diego, and other Southern California communities, are dedicated to aggressively defending people arrested for Drunk Driving in court and with the Department of Motor Vehicles.”


They add, “Clients appreciate the comprehensive and supportive legal representation they receive from the dedicated staff and team of attorneys at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer. We are well-equipped to handle charges related to alcohol and drug usage, and our primary goal is to make sure our clients avoid a DUI or DUID conviction and DMV license suspension.”


Over the course of a given case, Los Angeles DUI Lawyer’s attorneys will do their utmost to collect evidence that helps protect their client against drunk driving charges. This may include speaking to witnesses, fact-checking the sequence of events as relayed by the arresting officer, and so on. In certain situations, they may even challenge the reliability of the equipment used to test their client’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC).


For instance, they explain that, “when defending our clients in Los Angeles, we try to establish a through cross-examination of prosecution witnesses and we utilize the presentation of other evidence proving that the taking of breath samples may have violated the Charter of Rights and Freedom. Hence we may also argue that the evidence should be excluded as the BAC results can be recorded falsely.”


The firm adds, “Before giving you a California DUI breath test, an officer must continuously observe you for 15 minutes in order to ensure that, during this time, you do not put anything containing alcohol into your mouth, including drinks, medicines or mouthwash, etc.” Learn more at the following link: Drinking and Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.


Drivers charged with DUI offenses are advised to seek the team at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer as quickly as possible in order to begin building their defense. More information can be found on the firm’s official website as well.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Discuss The Implications Of An Impaired Driving Charge

Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Discuss The Implications Of An Impaired Driving Charge

Los Angeles, California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is reaching out to the community to share information on the consequences of an impaired driving charge. They hope that this information will give the community some guidance on the steps they can take when they find themselves facing an offense of this nature.


Being charged with an impaired driving offense can often be enough to completely shift around a person’s life. It bears both immediate and long-term consequences that will only worsen if left unaddressed. Even individuals without prior offenses can be subject to the maximum punishment from an impaired driving charge, placing them at risk of losing their driver’s license permanently, in the position of having to pay substantial fines and, in the worst cases, facing jail time.


How such a case is resolved and whether or not its consequences unravel to their fullest extent will depend on the experience and knowledge of the accused’s impaired driving attorney. According to the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, acting quickly is of the utmost importance to guarantee that the best outcome for the case is achieved.


“Time is always at a premium when it comes to fighting an impaired driving charge,” says a representative of the law firm, adding that building a strong defense for any given case takes a significant amount of time. Ideally, the first few weeks following the accusation should be spent gathering evidence, such as testimonials from witnesses, and determining whether or not the accused’s rights were abided by. The information and evidence collected are often used as the base for the defense, and thus the outcome of the trial is closely tied to it as well.


While many people believe that there is no escaping the consequences once they are charged with a DUI offense, the representative states that this is not the case. “Disputing an impaired driving charge is under no circumstances an impossible task,” they explain. “Our goal as attorneys who specialize in impaired driving defense is to prove our client’s innocence and to mitigate the consequences of the offense they have been charged with. We use every tool in our arsenal to ensure this is what happens, and our clients can rest assured knowing that they have one of LA’s best DUI attorneys fighting by their side.” Learn more here: Impaired Driving Defense Los Angeles.


The local law firm states that one of their most commonly used strategies revolves around evaluating whether all laws relevant to their client’s case have been strictly followed by the arresting officer. Essential elements include the time and date of the arrest, the identity of the accused and the associated jurisdiction. Another common step of this strategy involves determining whether the officer charging the accused had reasonable grounds to suspect that the accused’s impaired ability was caused by the consumption of drugs or alcohol. A very specific procedure must be followed before charging an individual with an impaired driving offense, and even the smallest misstep in this process can be enough to turn the case in favor of the accused.


Taking such a daring approach in the defense of their clients is only possible due to the extensive experience that the local office’s attorneys possess. Their lawyers have over 30 years of experience defending clients and, together, they have helped thousands of LA residents receive fair and impartial treatment in court, securing the best outcome possible in most situations. This extensive expertise, along with their commitment towards their clients, is what places Los Angeles DUI Lawyer among the most prestigious and successful law firms in the area.


The office’s areas of practice include Impaired Driving, Driving Under the Influence, Over 80 DUI, Breathalyzer Test Refusal, Repeat DUI Offenses and Care and Control Charges. The firm offers free consultation services for all of these areas, where they evaluate each client’s case and determine the best course of action depending on their personal circumstances.


The office states, “The only way to guarantee that you can build a strong defense is to seek counsel and professional legal representation as soon as you are charged with an offense. We fight fiercely to defend our clients even in the direst of circumstances. This is crucial, especially considering that you will potentially be facing life-changing consequences.”


The firm’s website offers more details on Los Angeles DUI Lawyer and the legal services that they offer. Clients may schedule an appointment through the firm’s online contact form as well. Those in need of a criminal defense lawyer are encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Local Attorney Provides Legal Assistance To Los Angeles Drivers Charged with DUI

Local Attorney Provides Legal Assistance To Los Angeles Drivers Charged with DUI

Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, a California based DUI defense firm, is pleased to offer their assistance to drivers charged with Extreme DUI in Los Angeles. The firm explains that such DUI cases are not uncommon in California, and the over 80 DUI charge’ is one of the most litigated criminal cases in the state. Learn more here: Extreme DUI Los Angeles.


As noted on the law firm’s website, DUI cases are rather commonplace for a variety of reasons. One reason is that certain prescription and over-the-counter drugs can put drivers at risk of getting a drug impaired driving charge, and many are unaware of this fact. Some of these drugs, although legally acquired, can still be used as evidence for DUI cases since they have warnings stating that individuals who take them should not drive vehicles. The firm also explains that refusing to take the breathalyzer test is itself a chargeable offense. In addition to an impaired driving charge, the person will also face charges for their failure to provide a breath sample. This will lead to further offenses and graver punishments.


Meanwhile, a spokesperson from Los Angeles DUI Lawyer warns the motoring public that DUI cases may result in severe consequences, such as loss of income, travel restrictions, fines and the suspension of one’s driver license. It may also lead to more severe punishment, including a criminal record and having to serve a jail sentence. Due to this, the firm asserts that DUI cases should be taken seriously and resolved as quickly as possible.


“Given the gravity of this kind of case, drivers may feel overwhelmed and helpless. However, although DUI cases are serious, drivers can still win such cases. Winning a DUI case is possible as long as the driver immediately requests help from a lawyer with experience in defending and winning DUI cases,” the firm’s spokesperson says. Additionally, they assert that there are several ways that a reliable Los Angeles DUI Attorney‎ can prepare an outstanding defense for drivers with DUI cases.


One way is to establish and prove to the court that the arresting officer did not comply with the California’s Title 17 Regulations before conducting blood and breath tests. As per the state’s Title 17 Regulations, the arresting officer has to follow a standard operating procedure before taking a blood and breath sample. Another way is to prove to the court that the police officer failed to read a driver their Miranda Rights. Moreover, the attorney can establish that the blood alcohol content (BAC) of the driver was on the rise while being pulled over. Consuming alcohol usually rises to a peak level in one’s blood after 2-3 hours. The firm’s spokesperson points out that this is a great defense—but it has to be proven by a competent lawyer.


Fortunately, Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is more than capable of defending and winning DUI cases. In fact, the firm strives to build the best defense possible for all the DUI charges they are brought on to fight. Their primary goal is to make sure their clients avoid a DUI or DUID conviction and DMV license suspension. The firm has also shown consistently favorable results in defending clients in DUI cases through detailed and thorough investigations and vigorous cross-examination of prosecution witnesses as well as identifying inconsistencies with evidence.


The firm takes pride in having a team of leading attorneys with more than 30 years’ experience. Their team provides a full range of DUI services, including DUI Probation Violation, DUI Car Accident Defense, False DUI Arrest Defense, Out Of State DUI and Marijuana DUI Defense. Regardless of the charge, the firm knows how time-critical one’s situation can be, and they ensure sure they will be with the client every step of the way. With their help, many of their clients have had the severity of their punishment reduced.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is an established drinking and driving lawyer Los Angeles residents can trust. The law firm also offers potential clients a free consultation, through which they share assistance and guidance regarding their DUI cases. Complete details can be found on the firm’s website. Alternatively, interested parties may connect with Los Angeles DUI Lawyer via social media to stay abreast of their latest news and announcements.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles Lawyer Offers Advice To Help Drivers Avoid A Holiday DUI

Los Angeles Lawyer Offers Advice To Help Drivers Avoid A Holiday DUI

California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is reaching out to local drivers to advise how they may avoid committing DUI offences over the course of the holidays. Many people love to celebrate the arrival of the New Year with a night out. With the advent of the next decade, the holiday parties have already started, and local law enforcement has increased patrols to keep everyone safe. As a result, the number of arrests for driving under the influence, being under the influence of drugs and/or excessive public intoxication, has risen since the beginning of November.

A representative for the firm says, “We want everyone to enjoy their holiday celebrations. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that California has some of the strictest DUI laws and the annual crackdown seems to start earlier each year. Even one large drink, or a strong drink on an empty stomach might be enough to put someone over the limit without them realizing it. We are always at hand to advise anyone who has been stopped. The best advice we can share is that you book a ride home if there is any chance that you may have an unexpected drink.”

For those who are stopped and asked to undertake a physical sobriety test, the firm states that drivers should the police do not have to read them their rights, including the one saying they have the right to contact a lawyer. They also do not need to wait until the lawyer is contacted before conducting the physical tests. However, the fact remains that those arrested for a DUI do actually have the right to speak to their lawyer. Learn more here: Drink Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.

Many who are charged for the first time with a DUI are embarrassed to reach out for help. They may not even tell friends and family, and they will most certainly avoid telling colleagues at work. In these circumstances, the best step they can take, according to the firm, is to call a DUI attorney who can provide the legal advice they need. Many who feel they should not have been stopped refuse to provide a specimen, unaware that refusing alone is a criminal offense under the Criminal Code. Failing to provide a specimen is considered a serious crime and is dealt with in the strictest manner. It also carries some major penalties which are considered separately in addition to the penalties they would be subject to under a standard DUI. This includes a driving prohibition throughout the country, a fine, plus a criminal record.

At this point, it is essential for drivers to have the strongest possible advocate who believes in building a case to protect their clients from the consequences of failing to provide a specimen. Regardless of the outcome of their DUI case, there is a mandatory driver’s license suspension for one year if they are convicted of refusing to provide a sample. There are additional jail time penalties to consider as well.

The firm is widely known for providing advice to their community, giving them the benefit of their attorneys’ years of experience and expert, comprehensive knowledge of Los Angeles’ Drink Driving laws. Recently, they were featured on Digital Journal for the advice they shared regarding drivers who were facing a 3rd Offense DUI. The article highlights that, “Matters can get very ugly in the event of a 3rd DUI offense, and the severe legal implications that come with a 3rd repeated charge could be tough to defend and avoid.”

A 3rd DUI conviction also carries a minimum of 120 days of jail time, and this period could be extended up to one year. While no one plans to get a 3rd DUI conviction, the best way to avoid a 3rd charge is to ensure the first charge is dealt with by an experienced lawyer. Fortunately, having an advocate from Los Angeles DUI Lawyer means anyone in this unfortunate position has an experienced professional who will explore all possibilities when fighting their case.

Those who have already received a DUI or any other related charge can call Los Angeles DUI Lawyer and request a free consultation. If they already have a DUI conviction, they may use the firm’s services to obtain a DUI reduction, removal or expungement as well. The firm provides a full range of services for drivers facing Drinking and Driving Charges, Driving Under The Influence, Impaired Driving Charges, DUI Criminal Defense, and so on.

Complete information on their legal services can be found on their website, along with a selection of useful resources. Interested parties are also welcome to follow Los Angeles DUI Lawyer through their social media channels on Facebook and Twitter to stay abreast of their latest news and announcements.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles Attorneys Defend Those Charged With A DUI Criminal Offense

Los Angeles Attorneys Defend Those Charged With A DUI Criminal Offense

California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is proud to announce that their team of experienced lawyers are capable of defending those who were charged with a DUI criminal offense. The firm asserts that their comprehensive understanding of California DUI laws gives them the ability to capitalize on extensive experience and vigorously fight for their clients’ rights.

“Fighting for the full disposal of any and all DUI charges is our primary goal as your defense attorneys. We understand that a DUI conviction can be disastrous for one’s future as well as a very traumatic experience, especially for first time offenders. When facing a DUI charge, it is imperative that you hire a lawyer who is highly-skilled and experienced in handling such cases because they can help you avoid convictions and the resulting harsh penalties,” says the firm.

They add that they have years of experience handling all types of DUI offenses in California, including impaired driving, driving under the influence, over 80 m.g. DUI, failure to provide a breath sample, care and control, and multiple DUI cases. The firm explains that, for drinking and driving offenses, their defense is largely based on technical grounds. Learn more here: DUI Offense.

Their strategy is to focus on investigating whether the arresting police officer violated any constitutional rights, as well as whether the breath or blood sample analyses were acquired through the use of approved instruments and within the time frame set by the law. Furthermore, the firm also gathers first-hand evidence from the site of the incident to compare with that of the prosecutor. This allows them to point out irregularities, if any exist, in court. “If you are dealing with drinking and driving offenses, get in touch with us immediately for professional advice, consultation services, and defense at trial,” advises the firm.

Additionally, Los Angeles DUI Lawyer points out that the state of California imposes hefty fines and strict sanctions to those convicted of DUI. For first-time offenders, the court may impose probation of up to three years, license suspension for six months, up to six months jail time, and a fine that may go as high as $1000. Meanwhile, for second-time offenders, the court may impose probation of up to three years, license suspension for two years, a fine of up to $1000 plus penalty assessments, and a one year jail sentence. Furthermore, for those who have three or more DUI convictions, the court may impose probation of up to five years, license suspension for three years, a fine of up to $1000 plus penalty assessments, and a 120 day jail sentence that may be extended up to one year.

According to the firm, the legal consequences of a DUI offense are different if the accused has caused bodily harm or death due to impaired driving. They explain that such injury DUIs can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, and such cases can result in a prison sentence of up to four years with fines of up to $5000. In California, if no one is killed or injured, the maximum sentence is four years of jail time. If someone has suffered bodily harm, the maximum DUI sentence could be up to 10 years of jail time. However, If there is a death and the prosecutor has opted to press a second degree murder charge, the maximum sentence imposable can be between 15 years to life behind bars.

Los Angeles DUI Lawyer emphasizes the importance of hiring an experienced Los Angeles DUI defense attorney when facing a DUI charge. They state that only a DUI lawyer is capable of fighting for a full case dismissal or assist the accused in negotiating a plea bargain that works to his or her advantage. In some situations, a DUI lawyer can navigate the legal process to help ensure that the defendant will not have to face any jail time, and they may even avoid license suspension. DUI cases are often complex in nature, and only an experienced defense attorney can help a defendant protect their best interests.

“For impaired driving charges in Los Angeles, get in touch with Los Angeles DUI Lawyer,” says the firm. “DUI cases are among the most litigated in courts of California and we are proud to have consistently shown successful results in defending our clients from these charges. Our team of lawyers has vast experience and professional expertise in this field.”

Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is an established DUI lawyer Los Angeles residents can trust. They have a team of highly-skilled attorneys whose mission is to uphold and protect human rights as well as provide each client with a strong defense team over the course of their trial.

Complete details can be found on the firm’s website. Interested parties may also send an email or call their office hotline to schedule a free consultation. Furthermore, online users may connect with Los Angeles DUI Lawyer through their official social media pages to stay up to date with their latest news and important announcements.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles DUI Lawyers Discuss The Implications Of Refusing A Breathalyzer Test

Los Angeles DUI Lawyers Discuss The Implications Of Refusing A Breathalyzer Test

California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer has reached out to the community in order to share information on the consequences of refusing a breathalyzer test in the state of California. The firm’s article seeks to shed light on the various possible outcomes that residents of California may face when dealing with charges for refusing this test, including whether or not they may be in a position to dispute the charges.

As the law firm states, refusing to give a breath sample in Los Angeles is a criminal offense in and of itself. Depending on the circumstances, it will often only worsen the situation for the accused. Instead of a DUI charge, they will now be facing charges for refusing to provide a breath sample in addition to impaired driving, worsening their situation and potentially extending the severity of the punishment that they will have to undergo. Several angles can be taken to defend someone dealing with such charges, though it will all be defined by the expertise of the accused’s lawyer and how they work with a client who has been charged with a DUI criminal offense.

“Failing to give a sample of your breath after a reasonable and lawful demand has been made by a police officer will more often than not result in further offenses. It will lead you to attract more stiff penalties and harsher punishment than you otherwise would in Los Angeles courts,” states a representative of the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer firm.

They add, “You will inevitably, and immediately, be dealing with aggravated consequences in addition to the standard California DUI penalties. This includes a mandatory driver’s license suspension that will occur regardless of the outcome of your DUI case, extended jail time, additional fines, travel restrictions, and loss of income. The duration of your license’s revocation, as well as the additional time to serve in jail, will depend on whether or not this is your first offense of this type, going up to three years of license revocation and 18 additionals days in jail for repeat offenders. Even in the best-case scenario where you do not have a criminal record, your reputation will be tarnished if you refuse to blow Los Angeles breathalyzer test, affecting the outcome of future offenses you may face.”

The only way to fight these charges is by building a strong case for the defendant. Even though common misconceptions dictate that it is not possible to fight a California DUI refusal charge, the attorneys assert that under the right circumstances, the charges can be fought, disputed, and dismissed. Only a reliable Los Angeles DUI Lawyer can prepare an outstanding DUI refusal defense. The appeal used as a base for the defense will primarily determine whether all of the necessary regulations and conditions have been fulfilled before the officer asked the accused to perform the test, pointing to flaws in the prosecution’s argument and appealing to failure on following the rules on the officer’s part.

One of the most common appeals used to dispute a DUI refusal case includes arguing that the accused was so drunk or inebriated with drugs that he/she was unable to understand the demand being made or the effects of the refusal. Other common arguments include incapacitation due to medical reasons, not been given the right to meet or consult with counsel before providing the breath sample, suspicions that the breathalyzer equipment may not give accurate results, and failure to provide an appropriate warning.

The attorneys at the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer enjoy a distinguished reputation in the community for ranking among the best attorneys in the area. The firm handles all cases related to DUI charges, including DUI Probation Violation, DUI Car Accident Defense, False DUI Arrest Defense, Out Of State DUI, and Marijuana DUI Defense. The firm provides free consultations for all of these offences, reviewing their clients’ case and their options before deciding how to proceed.

Those in need of a reliable, successful, and experienced drinking and driving lawyer may visit the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer website to get started, as it includes further information on the legal services provided by the firm. Learn more here: Drinking & Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Elite Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer Shares Advice For Drug Impaired Driving Charges

Elite Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer Shares Advice For Drug Impaired Driving Charges

California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, a team of leading criminal defense attorneys, has issued advice for anyone facing a Drug Impaired Driving Charge in the city. California has some of the strictest impaired driving penalties in the US; however, many people remain unaware that even over-the-counter and prescription drugs could put them at risk. The penalty for drug driving in Los Angeles carries stiff penalties that range from fines to jail terms and even the cancellation of licenses. Learn more here: Penalty for Drug Driving Los Angeles.

Speaking on behalf of Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, a representative says, “We have issued this advice because there are a large number of people who think that just because you have a prescription from a doctor, or that because they purchased drugs over the counter from a reputable pharmacy, that they are safeguarded from being arrested. We are reaching out to make every driver aware that many legal drugs carry a warning that a person taking them should not drive a motor vehicle. Whether the vehicle is in motion or not, that person is under the influence according to the California Vehicle Code. We recommend you contact an attorney immediately.”

The firm wants to emphasize that anyone charged with Drug Impaired Driving should immediately call an experienced attorney with experience of defending such cases. A strong advocate who will build the best possible case, and defends each and every case with vigor, is essential. Drug impaired driving charges are time-sensitive as well, as evidence needs to be collected from the site.

The law firm was recently featured on Big Country 99.5 in an article that discusses the implications of refusing a breathalyzer test. In it, they state that, “refusing to give a breath sample in Los Angeles is a criminal offense in and of itself. Depending on the circumstances, it will often only worsen the situation for the accused. Instead of a DUI charge, they will now be facing charges for refusing to provide a breath sample in addition to impaired driving, worsening their situation and potentially extending the severity of the punishment that they will have to undergo.”

The firm’s representative was quoted on refusing a breathalyzer test, explaining, “You will inevitably, and immediately, be dealing with aggravated consequences in addition to the standard California DUI penalties. This includes a mandatory driver’s license suspension that will occur regardless of the outcome of your DUI case, extended jail time, additional fines, travel restrictions and loss of income.” Two of the most common appeals to dispute a DUI refusal case is that the accused was so inebriated or incapacitation due to medical reasons that they were unable to understand the demand being made (or the effects of the refusal).

The lawyers at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer have more than 30 years’ experience defending clients with the vigor and knowledge needed to ensure that each of their clients received the most robust defense possible. With their help, many of their clients throughout Los Angeles, Orange County, Venture, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara and other Southern California communities have had the severity of their punishment reduced.

Those looking for a drunk driving lawyer in Los Angeles need to find a reliable attorney with a comprehensive understanding of both the drunk driving laws and the procedures that need to be carried out. Learn more here: Drunk Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.

Their representative asserts, “We provide a full range of DUI services. From the moment you are charged with your first DUI offense, please call an experienced attorney like our firm. Our primary goal is to make sure our clients avoid a DUI or DUID conviction and DMV license suspension. Regardless of your charge, we know how time-critical your situation can be. We will be with you every step of the way, helping ensure your rights are protected and providing a robust defense. We can also help you get an existing DUI expunged.”

The firm advises anyone charged with any DUI offence to seek assistance from the team at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer as quickly as possible. This will help ensure that the best defense can be built and defended by an advocate who is committed to defending their rights. More information can be found on their website.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



DUI Defense Attorneys Defend Los Angeles Drivers

DUI Defense Attorneys Defend Los Angeles Drivers

Los Angeles, CA based DUI defense firm Los Angeles DUI Lawyer would like to make the residents of LA aware of the firm’s services, especially if the latter are facing DUI charges. Not only are DUI charges potentially life changing in nature, they are also incredibly common, with dozens upon dozens of LA drivers facing such charges yearly. Getting arrested for a DUI can be an overwhelming scenario for many people, having the potential to completely uproot their lives. Whenever a person is arrested for drunk driving and charged with a drinking and driving charge, they have to face a complex and often daunting process that can be both frightening and confusing.

Hefty fines, a suspended license, travel restrictions and jail time are just some of the possible consequences of a DUI, not even including how serious the implications of being unable to drive can be, financially speaking. Those convicted of a DUI in California face a driving prohibition that can be applied anywhere in the country. First time offenders attract a six month suspension, with the penalties for further offenses becoming more and more serious. Read more about drunk driving DUI offences online.

DUI charges are very serious but they can be beaten. “There are a lot of different ways that you can choose in order to protect yourself from a DUI conviction, and the chances of winning a DUI case depend on the case in question,” says Los Angeles DUI Lawyer. “Your chances of winning a DUI case or being granted a DUI plea bargain depend a lot on the way your case has been prepared and the way you have been represented in court. Los Angeles DUI lawyer will offer you an experienced DUI attorney with a history of positive results. We strive to make sure that the cases against our clients are dismissed.”

Pleading not guilty can give the attorney more room to contest the DUI charge and help get the charges dropped—or at least decrease their severity. In order to beat a DUI charge, one must, with the help of an attorney, challenge the legality of the DUI checkpoint stop, dispute the suspicion that they were under the influence of alcohol and challenge the validity of the breathalyzer test, showing that the arrest was illegal or exploiting some other flaw in the police’s arrest process. An experienced DUI defense lawyer will know and understand the best way to fight each DUI charge effectively. Learn more here: DUI Defense Lawyer Los Angeles.

“The chances of getting a DUI dismissed mostly depend on the facts of the case,” says the firm. “Every case is unique. Getting a DUI case dismissed is something that can only be assessed by a lawyer after going through the facts of the case. An outstanding and experienced DUI lawyer understands the many ways of getting a DUI case dismissed but, to do so, your lawyer will first have to assess the facts of the case.”

Many of Los Angeles DUI Lawyer’s clients have left great reviews of the firm online. “Los Angeles DUI is absolutely the best at what they do,” says a review from one pleased client. “I was in a rather time-sensitive situation where I needed to get a DUI charge expunged off my record so that I could join my school of choice and pursue my career. The firm put their best foot forward and worked hard on my behalf to get me off without any complications. I could tell they genuinely cared and I can’t thank them enough because, without them, I would not be where I am today. I would easily recommend them to anyone who is in a similar situation.”

For a DUI attorney in Los Angeles who fights to win every case, contact Los Angeles DUI Lawyer today. The firm’s lawyers have years of experience in providing assistance with DUI cases in Los Angeles. “We battle vigorously for all of our clients who have been charged with impaired driving, over 80m.g care and control or multiple DUI offenses,” says the firm. Read more at the following link: Impaired Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Offer Assistance With DUIs

Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Offer Assistance With DUIs

Los Angeles, California residents in need of a DUI lawyer can find exactly the kind of service they are looking for at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer. There has been a serious increase in the number of convictions for different types of DUI charges in Los Angeles in recent years, and this has led to DUI charges becoming the largest single offense in the state of California. Drinking and driving cases are more likely to be sent to trial than any other criminal offense as well. This means that having a lawyer who can reliably handle DUI cases is incredibly important. Learn more here: DUI Charges Los Angeles.

DUI refers to driving under the influence, which leads to impaired driving. The criminal laws surrounding DUI convictions are very strict in California and can lead to any of a number of very serious, life altering consequences. A DUI can lead to fines, license suspensions and even jail time. Whether one is facing their first DUI or their third, the consequences are still potentially quite serious, and it is usually better to simply do one’s best to avoid them. Drivers should note, however, that each consecutive DUI they are successfully charged with holds increasingly harsher consequences.

As reputable and experienced defense lawyers, the legal team at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer have successfully helped a large number of clients evade the consequences of DUI charges. “We have shown consistent results,” the firm says. “This is largely due to our vigorous cross-examination of prosecution witnesses as well as our ability to target technical insufficiencies during trial. Contact us immediately if you are facing charges for a DUI in Los Angeles. The faster you contact us after the offense happened, the better. That way, we can start to build a solid case to defend you at once.”

Of all the DUI charges possible, one is most likely to find themselves being charged with violating the blood alcohol content law. A police officer, if they have reason to suspect a DUI offense, can ask the driver in question to provide breath samples to measure blood alcohol content, and this is how many people end up being charged with driving under the influence. The cutoff for legal drinking is 8 milligrams in 100 milliliters of blood. This evidence can be used to prosecute one when they go to trial.

“When defending our clients in Los Angeles, we try to establish a thorough cross-examination of prosecution witnesses, and we utilize the presentation of other evidence proving that the taking of breath samples may have violated the Charter of Rights and Freedom,” the firm says. “Hence, we may also argue that the evidence should be excluded as the BAC results can be recorded falsely. Before giving you a California DUI breath test, an officer must continuously observe you for fifteen minutes in order to ensure that, during this time you do not put anything containing alcohol into your mouth, including drinks, medicines or mouth wash etc.”

Whenever one finds themselves facing DUI charges, their best chance of avoiding any of the more serious consequences of such a charge is to get in touch with the DUI defense attorneys at Los Angeles DUI Lawyer.The firm’s experienced lawyers have been able to deliver favourable verdicts to dozens of clients and are guaranteed to do everything they can to ensure success. Many people in Los Angeles have successfully avoided some of the more serious consequences of a DUI charge with the help of Los Angeles Dui Lawyer, and a number of them have left great reviews following the conclusion of their case.

“Los Angeles DUI is absolutely the best at what they do,” says a review from one of the firm’s clients. “I was in a rather time-sensitive situation where I needed to get a DUI charge expunged off my record so that I could join my school of choice and pursue my career. The firm put their best foot forward and worked hard on my behalf to get me off without any complications. I could tell they genuinely cared, and I can’t thank them enough because, without them, I would not be where I am today. I would easily recommend them to anyone who is in a similar situation.”

For more information on the firm, visit the following link: Impaired Driving Lawyer Los Angeles, Drunk Driving Lawyer Los Angeles, Drinking and Driving Lawyer Los Angeles, Drinking & Driving Lawyer Los Angeles, Drink Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



Los Angeles’ Best DUI Lawyers Discuss The Consequences Of Refusing A Breathalyzer Test

Los Angeles’ Best DUI Lawyers Discuss The Consequences Of Refusing A Breathalyzer Test

Los Angeles, California based Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is reaching out to the community to shed light on the consequences of refusing a breathalyzer test. They also explore whether or not it is possible to dismiss a DUI refusal charge.


Refusing to give a breath sample after a reasonable and lawful demand has been made by a police officer is an offense that attracts stiff penalties and harsh punishments in Los Angeles courts. In most situations, a DUI refusal offense is added to the charges that are already present, worsening the accused’s prospects and potentially extending the severity of the punishment that they will have to undergo. These consequences can be enough to negatively affect the accused’s ability to live a normal life as they include increased penalties in addition to the standard California DUI penalties—as well as a mandatory driver’s license suspension that will occur regardless of the outcome of the DUI case.


While it may seem as if the odds were stacked against the accused in this situation, and fighting the charges a lost cause, Los Angeles DUI Lawyer states that it is possible to fight these charges under the right circumstances and with the appropriate legal representation. They note that it may even be possible to get a DUI refusal dismissed.. A representative of the firm says, “While this is difficult, and not possible in all cases, you should fiercely fight your charges and at least attempt to have the penalty reduced as much as possible. It will ultimately come down to the experience of your attorney and how familiar they are with these cases. A capable attorney will see that several angles can be taken into account when dealing with this law, and they will be able to identify the most appropriate option and act on their client’s benefit.” Learn more here: DUI Refusal Dismissed Los Angeles.


To fight these charges, a strong defense must be built from the start, and the accused’s attorney should be ready to zealously advocate on behalf of their clients by focusing on issues that might have been a legitimate basis for refusing a breathalyzer test. This strategy will serve as the basis for the defense, which will primarily investigate whether all of the necessary regulations and conditions had been fulfilled before the officer asked the accused to perform the test. The attorney will point to flaws in the prosecution’s argument and highlight any failures in the arresting officer’s conduct.


“Some of the most common grounds to dismiss a DUI charge include cases where the accused was so drunk or inebriated that he/she was unable to understand the demand being made or the effects of the refusal,” states the office. While this will leave the accused with a drug impaired driving charge, the consequences here are less than what they might otherwise expect.


The accused could also argue incapacitation due to medical reasons, or even state that they were not given the right to meet or consult with counsel before providing the breath sample. These are all techniques that have proven effective in the past. Depending on the severity of the situation at hand, however, riskier methods may be necessary to fight the charge.


“While difficult, you could also argue that the police officer had no reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that an offense under DUI laws has been committed and hence there was no sufficient reason for the person to take the test,” states the firm. This is possible even in spite of the implied consent law that applies across the state, as there have been some cases in the past where the Supreme Court of the United States has not taken action against defendants for refusing to take blood tests in cases where the police had not obtained a warrant.


Regardless of the intricacies of the situation, the most important part of fighting a DUI Refusal charge is to seek counsel and legal representation from a qualified attorney. Those in need of a reliable, successful and experienced drinking and driving lawyer may visit the Los Angeles DUI Lawyer website to get started. It hosts more information on the legal services provided by the firm. Learn more here: Drink Driving Lawyer Los Angeles.


Los Angeles DUI Lawyers

3203-506 S Spring St
Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: 323-406-8046


$000 – $000



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